Monday, June 10, 2019

Verona Ward Bishopric Swim Party

The day we went to Nyssa for Bailey being set apart an Elder we first went to the Verona Ward sacrament meeting. Danny Ricks was being released and a new Bishop was being put in, they also split their ward again. I did not know these things were happening and it was fun to be there to watch it all happen.
Renn Lamm planned a BBQ and Pool Party for the outgoing Bishopric and the new Bishopric and we were invited because we are friends with all of them and Kefford was a part of the Bishopric when we were in the Verona Ward.
They have a pretty awesome set up in their backyard and we had such a fun time! Brother Alberts is their new Bishop and it was fun for them to be there because Avynlea got to be with her friend Shaeden again. They got to be really good friends when we were in the Verona ward but haven't seen each other too much because of the split and them not going to the same school. I enjoyed visiting with my friends from the Verona ward and really love the friendships I have with these women. I don't see them all very often but it is nice to feel that friendship whenever I do see them.
Shaeden and Avynlea

Avynlea really wanted to do a flip off the rock but was a little nervous about doing it. It took her a little bit to get the courage but she finally did and it was fun to see her flipping out. I didn't get the flips on camera but they did happen :)
A cheerleader just has to do her toe touch any chance she gets! 
We found out that Shaeden tried out and made the JV team at Rocky which is really exciting. I love that she and Avynlea are both on the JV cheer team at their schools and will get to see each other at games and competitions. 
Rylee was really enjoying the hammock and spent a little bit of time enjoying some alone time.