Monday, June 26, 2023

Elder Peterson Week 93

I'm sure many of you have at this point heard that the first presidency has released a new edition of Preach My Gospel. It's awesome! Along with that surprise, our Area Book apps have been updated to allign with the new Preach My Gospel better and the app's name has been changed to Preach My Gospel. So, Area Book is no more (the name at least). I've been studying in the new Preach My Gospel and I love the changes. The lessons are structured in a much more modern way. I've also noticed that the part about studying and learning the gospel has become much more detailed and includes ways to be safe while using technology in missionary service (and in life in general). If you haven't looked at it yet, check it out. They changed the title from "Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Missionary Service" to "Preach My Gospel: A Guide to Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ." This new title shows that the book is meant for all of us. Which I like, because we are all supposed to be missionaries. Every baptized member of the church should have a name tag on their heart and has the responsibility to gather Israel alongside the full time Missionaries. The new Preach My Gospel helps all members learn the gospel and learn how to share it. It's awesome!

Not a lot has happened this past week. Our teaching pool is being recycled. Meaning we are trying to find new people because we've had to stop teaching a lot of people lately. No one will keep commitments. Which is increasingly more sad for me because I have begun to be absolutely honest and straight forward with a lot of people. I've been bearing my testimony like I never have (or maybe it's that my testimony has strengthened a ton lately) and still people reject the spirit and reject change. I have faith that we will find some people who are willing to make and keep commitments. We've been working really hard to try to find them. We had the opportunity to go the the temple for the sealing of a couple in our ward. We even got permission from President Larkin. We were praying about it, though, and realized that it wasn't the best way we could fulfill our missionary purpose that day. The whole trip would have taken the entire afternoon and we wouldn't have as much time to find people that day. We came to the conclusion that the Lord would have us remain here to continue working. Nothing super crazy happened that day while we were out contacting, but we know that the spirit had prompted us to continue our efforts in searching for people who are looking for the true gospel.

Today President and Sister Larkin complete their service in this mission. After having President Larkin as my mission president for almost two years, it's hard to see them go. We had a devotional on Zoom last night with the whole mission and they bore their testimonies and gave us some last words. Our new mission president, President Schmutz, arrives today. We'll be having a zone conference on Friday to meet the new presidency in person. Part of me is glad that the Larkins are done right now, though, because that means I can visit them at their home when I complete my service here pretty soon. It will also be very interesting to see how the mission handles the change of leadership. I also just realized that Elder Burton (my companion) has only had 8 months with the Larkins... while I have had 22 months with them. Most of the mission hasn't gotten to know the Larkins like I have, especially with the 4 1/2 months I spent working very close to them while in the office last year. They are incredible people and, again, I'm really going to miss them. 

That's about all that's new. We're working hard, my studies have been awesome, and we're expecting some more miracles here soon. I hope you are all doing well! 

- Elder Peterson

I'm proud of that pancake.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Wisdom Teeth Extraction times Two

Kefford scheduled the girls to get their wisdom teeth out on the same day so we could get them both done at the same time. While the Dr was explaining the procedure to Avy and Rylee I took a picture of them. 
It was decided that Avynlea was to go first and Rylee took a couple of silly before pictures of her. Two of them were blurry but she liked them so I included them.
While she was getting her teeth pulled Kefford, Rylee and I watched Rio in the office's theater room. Once Avynlea ws done they had us go back to be with her. I was told to keep her lying flat and that she should not get up because she would fall since she was still on drugs. She washing pretty skilled and after about 10 minutes of us being back with her they took Rylee away. Was occupied helping Avynlea so I did not get a before picture of her. I figure we can count the one I took of the both of them.
Once Rylee was gone Avynlea started to get pretty weepy. She spent a lot of the time trying to get me to let her sit up. She cried when I would't let her. She did not like lying there and kept insisting that she could get up and walk. She asked us what we did while she was in surgery and I told her we watched Rio. She started crying because she loves Rio and wanted to watch it also. We played the music for her and she sang along with it.
When Rylee was done they put her immediately in the car and then the nurse helped me walk Avynlea out. Avynlea wanted to run and tried to get us to let her but of course weakest a tight hold on her and would not let her. As soon as we got to the car I saw Rylee sitting inside and she was crying. I asked her if she hurt and she said no, she was just crying. By this time Avynlea was in a silly mood again nd we spent the drive home with Rylee crying and Avynlea laughing at her. Rylee cried about not riding in a wheelchair, she cried when she started playing her Mario kart game on her hone and it put her in 12th place to start and she cried when she realized we did not get. before picture of her like Avynlea. It was pretty comical and I got some good video of the two of them.

When we got home we set the girls up in the TV room watching TV with ice packs on their faces and Kefford got them smoothies from Jamba Juice.


Monday, June 19, 2023

Elder Peterson Week 92

Here we go. 6 weeks left to give it my all out here.
Elder Green got transferred to Cleveland, TX and Elder Burton is my new companion. I was his district leader about 6 months ago (he's been out for about 7 or 8 months) so we were able to skip the acquaintance stage and get to work already knowing each other a bit. I really miss Elder Green though, he is a stud and I had a really fun time with him. He's now with Elder Morrow who I was companions with for about 2 weeks a year ago. Weird connections everywhere at this point. Anyway, since these are my last pdays I want to spend more time doing things and less time emailing (unless you personally email me with questions (or you can wait until the end of next month and ask me in person)). I'm still going to write an email every week, I'm just not going to worry very much about making them super long. 

We met a kid named Julio last week and we taught him about the Restoration of the Gospel. He is 18 and very religious, which I find interesting for someone living here. He is really interested in Joseph Smith though, and the things we believe. He seems to understand the importance of reading and praying about what we share (especially the Book of Mormon).
None of our friends are progressing super quickly, everyone is tied up worrying about treasures on earth (claiming to be too busy with work). Or, like in the case of Donnie, they just can't commit to coming to church. We can't get him to let the Spirit convince him to go... yet.
I'm listening to a song right now and right after writing that I heard these lyrics: "Why do men not hearken? God can make you free!" That's pretty much how I feel 24/7. I love these people, all of God's children, but that leads to a lot of frustration. I pray always that people will open their hearts to hear the voice of the Lord. To really hear Him. This gospel is true and God will bless all who embrace it with real intent and faith in Christ. Just try! See if I'm lying!  (Alma 29)

I love and pray for all of you!
Have a great week!

- Elder Peterson

There is a huge spider at the end of his stick.
Car in a stream. We got no context. We just walked by and noticed it.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Fathers Day

 We celebrated Fathers Day and while it was very low-key it was celebrated. I made Hamburgers for dinner and the girls gave him gifts. Rylee gave him a green plaid shirt and a Nike gift card, Ryker sent him a nice letter, Kenedy and Ty gave him a game called Klank and Avynlea gave him a new phone case. He had been using a floral one and she thought he needed something different so he got a Batman phone case.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Happy Birthday Ty

Kenedy and Tyler came to Meridian while we were in Mexico. They were supposed to be leaving for their Honeymoon that week but due to lack of communication it didn't happen. Kenedy decided to come to Meridian just to get away and get their minds off of their not being able to be on their Honeymoon. While there Ty celebrated his birthday with Avynlea, Rylee and Kenedy. He got breakfast in bed and they went to Top Golf and out to dinner.
Once Avynlea and Rylee left for Mexico Kenedy and Ty headed to Nyssa to spend the day out there. While there Alison did a tea party with the girls who were there and they had fun having tea with Ty. He kept them entertained and made it a grand time, I am pretty sire he left a very good impression on these girls. 
The next week Kenedy and Ty went to Hawaii to spend the week with his Dad and siblings. While there they went to the Temple. I love that there are so many Temples that we can go even while on vacation.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Elder Peterson Week 91

Well, as I predicted on Thursday, there isn't a whole lot to report for the past couple of days.

We've had another lesson with Mary Ann, Donnie, and Danny each and they were good lessons. We have a better understanding of their individual needs now. Danny and Donnie are still having a really hard time remembering things. They're reading and praying every day though, so their blessings will come. They continue to express that they want to remember, but it's just taking time. Donnie is already almost done with 2 Nephi, he's cruising. Mary Ann has committed to read it every day and to come to church this next week. This weekend was stake conference, so she felt too nervous bringing her daughter with her into a new crowd as large as that one was. What's crazy is that the amount of people that showed up to stake conference is probably around the same amount of people that attend a normal Sunday service at my home ward. The stake building here is also identical to the building I went to back home. It was a weird feeling. Especially once I realized that I'll be back in my home building in less than 2 months. Anyway... Stake Conference was great. Elder Perkins of the Seventy came and taught some really great stuff. The Adult Session was focused on the temple and I noticed in both sessions the theme of putting forth effort in our own gospel lives. Kind of like I mentioned on Thursday, that we should not expect to live passively in the Gospel. You are in or you are out. I thought of some ways I can deepen my conversion and conviction to follow Christ. One thing I've thought about is my prayers and how I can make them more meaningful and less repetitious. 

Like I said, I don't have a whole lot to share this time. I also don't have enough energy to rant like I did last time. So I'll end it here. Transfers is on Thursday and I will most likely be getting a new companion. You'll hear from me again next Monday. Have a good week!

-Elder Peterson

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Mexico Day 6 and 7

Merida has a Temple and I looked before our trip to see about scheduling baptisms for our girls. There were not any available which I was bummed about but it was ok. We had on our schedule to visit the Temple and it would be nice to just walk the grounds. While in Merida Heather Poll mentioned about having the kids do baptisms while at the Temple, we looked and didn't see any openings but we had Brad call since he spoke Spanish and he was able to get us an appointment in the morning. We were so excited! The Temple was close enough to walk so we all walked over in the morning and after we took some pictures outside we were able to go in and watch the kids perform their Baptisms. I was pretty special to be in the Temple and I am so glad it worked out so great for us. The Temple workers were so sweet and accommodating, it was a great experience.

After our Temple trip we changed ours clothes, packed back up into the vans and drove to Progresso Beach for our Beach Day. We had such a good time hanging at the beach and playing in the water. The water was the perfect temperature and I loved it. The waves were a bit choppy and that was not fun, I also did not like the rough dried seaweed on the beach and the first 15 feet or so into the water was really rough and rocky and hurt my feet. Other then that it was all great! I liked the Raptor they had on display I think maybe e this was a spot they found dinosaur bones? I don't know, I don't know the significance for the Raptor but it was cute to see.

We had lunch provided to us, I had chicken fingers and French fries and the chicken fingers were so good, I really liked the spice that was on them. Later Kefford got a cup of fresh mango that someone was selling. He made sure to snag me a piece before Avynlea and Rylee gobbled it all down, it was good mango.

Around dinner time we walked over to a restaurant on the beach that Judy told us about. All we had to do was buy drinks and then they also served us food to snack on. The food just kept coming and it was all good. They had a live band providing entertainment and the girls were going gaga over the singers. I didn't think they were anything special to look at but the girls were dying over them. During one of the songs the band encouraged the girls to come up and dance while they were singing. The girls loved this and had so much fun being taught a dance and dancing during the performance.

It was a good night and I was pretty exhausted by the time we got back to our hotel. Avynlea and Rylee rode in the van with the other girls their age sand then continued their party back at the hotel. They bonded pretty quick with these girls, I only wish they could have been with us the entire week. Some is better then none though.
The next morning just our family and the Ogdens were leaving in the morning. The others had later flights so they were going to church. 
We were given a boxed lunch to take with us which we tried to eat on the way to the airport so as not to have to carry it around the airport. It was a sandwich, a muffin, a soda and an apple.

It was a long trip home with two layovers, one in Mexico City and one in Minneapolis. We were so tired and so happy when we finally made it home.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Mexico Day 5

On Friday we were supposed to be done with giving wheelchairs and we just had an orphanage visit on our schedule. The Rotary heard about Avynlea and Rylee coming late and missing out on wheelchair distributions so they found some more people in need so they could have the experience. I was so grateful for their thoughtfulness, they understood the need for them to be able to serve. 

The first place we went to we met Carla and these are the notes I wrote about her...


Cerebral palsy. 5 months ago fell and broke her coccyx and has been going to physical therapy. Over the last three years it has been getting worse. Married two  years ago and no kids.  In the house it will be easier with her Walker but out and about a wheelchair will be easier. Lots of pain so she has just been staying in her house. The government kept promising help but has never come through for them. They are trying to do an operation on her jaw and has had 5 days with a lot of pain, the bones are hurting more and more. When she opens her mouth it is a lot of pain but it is needed to get the infection out. Today she is getting her jaw operation done. She is excited to go and have it done for no more pain. It is a lot of money for the operation and they have been saving up. Using the walker has been hurting her arms. 

It was very hot and I commented on her wearing Jeans in this heat. We were told that this is a special day and she wore her jeans because for her that is dressing up. I thought that was so sweet, it made me reflection the previous recipients we have seen and how they probably dressed up as well. 

When they told us about her surgery we offered a priesthood blessing. All of our group was LDS and one of the men with us spoke Spanish and so he and Kefford were able to give her a priesthood blessing. They were not members and her husband recorded the blessing which is unusual for us but I thought it was a sweet memory for them and who knows someday the missionaries might come by and they could be reminded of this blessing. The lord has His hand in every aspect of our lives.
She had a painting of the Nativity on her wall which after I admired it she said she painted it. 

After her house we went to another much more humble house. I didn't take nay notes here but I liked that my girls could see this more humble way of living.
After those two houses we stopped to get some snacks to eat in the car for lunch on our way to the next place. 
We brought hair bows, toy cars, toothbrushes and dum dum suckers to give to children we see. It was fun handing them out, once a child received their treasures they would run off and bring back more kids. We stopped at an apartment complex to give a wheelchair and while we waited for them we saw some kids and gave them toys, pretty soon we had more coming some with their moms. It probably is not a daily thing to have white people come and give toys and little gifts so it was fun for them I hope.

One of the Mom's brought her baby and Avynlea and Rylee were able to hold her. She was a pretty cute and they did not want to give her back.
When we finally were able to get into the apartment to give the wheelchair we met Angel and his son Manuel, this is what I wrote about this visit...


Lost his legs to Diabetes. Has an ulcer and the ulcer started getting bigger due to the diabetes, had internal bleeding and the infection got into his bone. Because of this he cannot work and is living here with his kids. Doctors are watching his leg to see if the infection will grow, right now it is ok but if it grows he will have to have his leg cut off at his hip. The wheelchair will be his legs and will be able to go back to work. He is really grateful with all his heart for this wheelchair. He does not want to be dependent on anyone else. He has people with big hearts who help him all the time. He is so grateful to God for sending us here today. His son Manuel has been his caretaker and it has been very hard on him. 

Senyia talked a bit with Manuel and told him she knows how he feels and how hard it is being a caretaker. They bonded over this and she gave him a hug and he just broke down and started crying because of her understanding and compassion. It was a sweet moment to witness, when we left the apartment I got a picture of Heather hugging her daughter and both of them crying because of the experience.

Once we were done with the home visits we were able to go visit an orphanage and spend some time with the kids there. I was hoping to see some little ones but the kids were all a little bit older which was fine. We gave them gifts and played with them and spent a couple of hours giving them attention. One of the girls put bows on my buns which I didn't know how silly it looked until I looked at the pictures. I took them out before we left and left them with one of the girls. It was fun to be able to play and have fun despite not speaking each others language, love and kindness know no barriers.

Later thar evenong we had some downtime and Heather Poll, one of the women on the trip and I went with Judy to go shopping. I wanted to get one of the dresses I see the local women wearing. I was able to find a green one which I loved and I also bought a shirt that was blue and yellow and had the same embroidery on it. It was fun and so nice to go shopping with some who spoke the language and knew their way around.
Later we gathered all together and talked about our trip and Nate had us each say something about it that we learned or loved. After that they gave us all a keychain that said Hope Dealer on it as a momento. After that we all went out to a nice end of trip dinner. We still had one more day but that day was our beach day and we wouldn't have time for a nice dinner.
This restaurant had som women making homemade tortillas and after I watched them for a bit and told them how much I loved homemade tortillas they gave me one to eat. I took it back to the table and shared it with everyone who wanted some and it was so delicious and my favorite thing to eat.

This day was also Kefford's Birthday. I bought him a shirt while I was on. my shopping trip which wore to dinner and the group sang Happy Birthday to him. It was fun to celebrate him in Mexico and we gave him his Birthday gifts when we got home from our trip, I gave him an Axe throwing game.

During dinner Nate asked me what my favorite meal was that we ate while in Mexico. I had to say that this meal was. We got chicken and homemade tortillas and together it was so good and reminded me of when I came to Mexico as an exchange student when I was 14.

After dinner we went back to the hotel and then the four of us went to get some delicious icees's. Unfortunately Lemon was not on the menu that night, we were al disappointed but the flavors we got were good, Mango, Coconut and Strawberry.

We walked around the square after that and got a couple of souvenirs. I liked these lovers chairs and had Avy and Rylee pose in them for a picture.