Tuesday, January 30, 2024

BSU Basketball Game and a Temple Date with Avynlea

 On Saturday January 27th Kefford, Avynlea, Rylee and I went to the Boise Sate basketball game against Utah State. Kelsey, Brit and their older kids came as well. We have connections to Utah State because Ryker is going there and Brit and Kelsey both went to school there so we were excited for the game. I honestly went into the game not caring who won but as the game went on I found myself rooting for Boise State and was disappointed when they ended up losing. It was fun being with Kefford and my girls and I liked making the memories with home and doing fun things.

Kefford, Elizabeth, Avynlea and Rylee

On Sunday I wanted to make hamburgers for dinner but we did not have any Hamburger Buns. I didn't let that stop me and I made homemade Hamburger Buns and it was honestly pretty easy and they turned out tasting really good. It made me want to not buy buns anymore from the store and only make my own. I thought they looked really good as well, very aesthetically pleasing. 

Tuesday morning Avynlea and I went to the Temple to do a session together. I had an initiatory appointment that morning with Elaine and there were not any more openings so I did the initiatory session with Elaine and then I stayed at the Temple until the 10:00 endowment session and had Avynlea meet me there. It was a really good session mostly because I loved being there with Avynlea. It is such a good feeling to be in the Temple with one of your kids and to know they love being there as well.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Snow Days and Mean Girls

Where we are at in Idaho is kind of funny weather wise. You would think we would get a lot of snow in the winter but we don't. It snows a couple times usually and then it melts typically same day. We had crazy snow when Kenedy was a senior and school got cancelled for at least a week but not a lot since. Until this year, we got so much snow this January and I really liked it. School got cancelled twice, not consecutively  and I did a lot of snow shoveling which I enjoyed. I would shovel our driveway and sidewalks and I also took the initiative to shovel the Lambs driveway and sidewalks. Sean was in an accident which made it hard for him to walk right now and I wanted to help them out so Arin didn't have to worry about it. One morning I also shoveled Wanda Greens driveway and sidewalk. I loved using the shoveling as a way to exercise and really enjoyed doing service.

Avynlea, Rylee and I went to the theater to watch the new Mean Girls movie. We like the original and I was excited to watch this new version as it was a musical and that sounded fun. The movie was all right. I don't think any of us liked it as much as the original and I thought parts were a little too sexy. I probably won't watch it again.

Kefford hurt his back and was in a lot of pain, he hurt so bad that he had to stay home from work one day which is a lot for Kefford. I could sympathize with how he was feeling because of the lower back issues I have and how painful it is for me. I found him relaxing on the bed and thought he looked so cute in his glasses looking at instagram.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Pizza Night and Stinky Sneaker

Kyle Lyons got a pizza oven and he invited us over on Thursday January 11 to have pizza. When we got there he told us that Nikki and the kids were in McCall and it was just him, I was surprised but ok with it, I like dinners I do not have to cook. We made our pizzas and mine was the first one to get cooked in the oven. As soon as I bit into it I knew it was not done, it was mostly dough and not cooked at all. We put mine back in and the second go around it was better but still not done completely to my taste. I let it go and ate some of it but then left the rest and took it home for another day. Avynlea was babysitting the Hansens so she was not there but Rylee was and her pizza along with Kefford's both needed to be cooked again. Kyle said he has never had this problem before and we decided it must be the dough was not made quite right, Nikki usually makes the dough, as well as our pizzas were too thick. It was fine, it was a good night with a friend and like I said, anytime I do not have to cook dinner is a win for me!

Avynlea and I went to the Stinky Sneaker game at Meridian High School. It was fun to be there with Avynlea and be able to sit with her in the stands but I did miss being able to watch her cheer. Sadie, Madison and Andrea came with us and it was fun for Avynlea to be able to sit in the stands with her friends and be a spectator and not a cheerleader. Meridian lost the game which was a bummer because it was so close and they lost the Stinky Sneaker which was sad but not a surprise. The cheerleaders did not do a good job calling cheers and keeping the crowd hyped up. Maybe and hopefully better luck and spirit next year.

Elizabeth, Avynlea and Andrea

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Avynlea Goes Through the Temple

 Diana, Amy, Natalie, Paige, Avynlea and I wanted to get together one last time before Natalie and Paige headed off to College after Christmas Break. We met at The Wing Stop and had a nice dinner visiting and catching up. After dinner was over we gave hugs and took a picture of the girls. We should have taken one of all of us but we didn't think of it that night. That's ok, it was a good night and nice to see everyone again.

March 6th was a very special day for our family, Avynlea decided to go through the Temple! Ryker was still here and Kenedy and Tyler came into town so we were all able to go through with her which was really nice. I love being with my family in the Temple. Sadie Niblett got her mission call, she is going to the Dominican Republic in May and she and Avynlea wanted to go through the Temple for the first time together. I thought that was a special thing to do and was all for it. It was a good Temple session and Avynlea was a little overwhelmed but it seemed like she was into it. As a Temple Matron Alison talked to Avynlea before the session and it was a good chat and she gave her a lot of good advice. I hope Avynlea develops a love for being in the Temple and has a desire to go often.

Avynlea and Sadie

Ryker, Tyler, Kenedy, Avynlea, Elizabeth and Kefford