Monday, December 31, 2012

Fun with Grandma!

Alison had some of the Grandkids come over for a day of Christmas prep fun. Putting cloves in oranges, decorating cupcakes, making rice Krispie treat trees. It was planned out and the day was looking like it would be a fantastic day. Unfortunately the kids attention did not last long especially when there were so many cousins to play with and lots of outdoor space to do it in. So even though I decorated a lot of the cupcakes and kids kept wandering away from activities I would consider it a successful day being with those we love.

Kenedy and Brielle


Ally and Avynlea
ryker and Bailey and Grandmas arm


Alison made a gingerbread man for every family to decorate and take home. I initially went into the kitchen to help but did not have any room to do anything and so I left Kenedy in charge and I left them to it.
I think they did an amazing job and i was super impressed with how cute he turned out. My kids are so talented!!


Thursday, December 27, 2012


The day after Christmas we went out to the farm to open more presents. The only pictures I got were the ones Kenedy took of Rykers new Rocket!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


This year I upped the Christmas Eve Pajama giving anti just a little bit. I made the kids some super cute pajamas and then went ahead and made them all eyemasks to match. They turned out so cute! I also bought them each a new book to read! They were really excited with all of it! As far as ornaments go, Rylee got a Ballerina dress, Avynlea got some rocking headphones, Ryker got a cool tractor and Kenedy got Captain Jack Sparrow. They also loved these and were a big hit! Yes!

The next morning we woke up and opened stockings.

Then under Keffords orders everyone had to get dressed in order to go downstairs.
The kids first opened presents form each other.
Rylee got a new Barbie from Kenedy, Avynlea got suspenders and nerd glasses from Ryker, Kenedy got an I-tunes card and nail art kit from Avynlea and Ryker got a candy bar and Adventure time shirt from Rylee.