Monday, June 24, 2019

Idaho State Capital

Avynlea, Mom, Heather and I went to the Idaho State Capital today. Mom and Heather have never been and we thought it would be fun to walk through. 
The Lincoln Conference Room was open and empty so we went in to look around. Mom sat on a bench out in the hall after we were spending a little too much time in there but we were having too much fun acting like Senators and House Representatives. We didn't have anyone to take our picture so I set my phone up and set it up for timer mode. I had ten seconds to push the button and then run to my seat and I made it every time. Avylea also pushed the button a couple of times and she made it in time for the picture as well :)
 We were taking pictures with our glasses on and in the top picture the phone was starting to slide down as it took the picture. The bottom one was a much more successful picture!

 We couldn't go into the Senate Chambers but Heather was pretty sneaky and got her foot across.

 We went to the viewing area for the Senate Chambers and sat in there for a little bit. I wished they would have been in session then we could have heard maybe some interesting stuff.
 Avynlea took some pictures of the outside view and where the Senate sits.  

 The elevator we rode in was really small and kind of sketchy looking. If we would have fallen to our deaths in it I would not have been surprised.