Saturday, June 22, 2019

Dairy Days Parade

Meridian High Cheer has always been in the Dairy Days Parade and I was so excited that Avynlea was going to get to be in it for the next four years. I love supporting my kids and watching them in their activities. This year their float theme was "Cow-alot" a play on "camelot" and last week we got together and decorated shirts and made crowns. They had two options for crowns, one was a Burger King crown that the kids could use and decorate the other was to make a flower crown. Avynlea decided on the flower crown and after getting her supplies she started working on it while I used a sharpie to draw bricks on a gray tablecloth. Once I was done I checked on Avynlea and she had given up on the crown deeming it too hard and was working on painting her shirt. While she did that I worked on the crown and was able to figure it out and make a really cute flower crown for her to wear. I was quite impressed with it and she really liked it also.

Avynlea had a team BBQ to be at before the parade so after she was ready I dropped her off at the park to be with her teammates but not before taking a picture of her in all her cow princess cuteness!
Kenedy was in town this weekend with her roommates because Kefford had agreed to take them to the Dam to go tubing. Rylee wanted to go with them and so it was just me, Mom and Heather at the parade. 
Channel 7 set up right next to us and did a weather forecast, I am not sure if they caught us on camera but I was hoping not.
Meridian DanceTeam, Cheer and Band were the first in the parade after the American Flag. We spotted Avynlea on the other side of the street walking with her friends and passing out candy. We yelled her name to get her attention but she didn't show much reaction when she saw us. I was videoing and so I had Heather take some pictures for me. She is such a cute girl!
Once they passed by we settled in to watch the rest of the parade. I got a message from Avynlea 3/4's of the way through the parade saying she was done and ready to be picked up. I let her know we were not able to leave because the streets were all blocked off but I told her where we were and after meeting her halfway we got her to come back and sit with us through the rest of the parade.
Team Picture
Avynlea is the second girl in on the left in the second row