Saturday, June 8, 2019

Dance Party and Injuries

I have had lash extensions on my lashes since December and I have really loved them. Because I have had them on I haven't felt a need to wear makeup and always felt pretty and confident. My eyes have been itching for a while and I thought it was allergies but then I woke up Tuesday with really red and swollen eyes. I bought some eye drops and was putting cortisone on them but when they were  looking worse Wednesday morning I made the painful decision to have them removed. I was so sad but decided that my eye health was more important then having long full lashes so off they came. It is a lot sad not having them on any more but I hope my eyes feel and look better fast.
Kefford was taking Ryker's pickup to have something looked at and I had to follow behind him so that I could take him home. I took a couple of pictures of him from behind because I thought he looked pretty cute driving the pick up so casual.
Avynlea and Rylee went to Emmett to stay with their cousins for a couple of days. I know they had a lot of fun and Brit sent me pictures of them having a dress up dance party with their Emmett cousins. 

Avynlea and Rylee went with Brielle on a hike with her mutual group and were able to get a picture to also send to me. 
Ryker has been working and playing out at the farm and one evening he and Bailey were messing around on the four wheelers jumping them and doing tricks when Ryker wrecked and hurt his knee. His knee got really swollen and felt pretty squishy and gross but we didn't't take him in to the Dr because he was able to walk with it and he didn't feel a lot of pain. He has just been icing it and keeping it elevated and that has been helping.  Hopefully that is the extent of our injuries this summer.