Monday, November 24, 2008

child welfare is going to knock on my door any minute!

I already told you all about Avynlea's accident that happened last Saturday, let me fill you in on what happened a week later! This past Saturday I had to take Rylee into see her Dr. She has been dealing with a rash on her legs for a couple months now. I have taken her in twice before to get it looked at, the first time I was told it was just an irritation from her diaper and to saturate it with Aquafor. I did and it did not get better, the rash started to grow. So I took her in a second time and he said that it could be a fungus and he prescribed me some medication. I was also told that it could take 4 weeks for this stuff to work and that I needed to be patient. So I started her on the cream. After a little over a week her rash continued to grow and get worse until it started to look like this...
I took her into the Dr again and finally she said that it was a bacteria infection and gave me a prescription for some anti-bacterial medications. After two days of being on that stuff I am already seeing it look a little bit better and am cautiously confident that it will be OK.
Last night I was on the couch reading, Kefford was doing something with the TV and Kenedy and Ryker were rolling around wrestling on the floor. All of a sudden I heard a loud scream and I looked up to see Kenedy holding her head and Ryker crying in agony on the floor holding his leg. Kenedy seemed to be OK so we focused on Ryker. This kid was in some serious pain and could not get up to walk. Kenedy said that she was turning a flip and he jumped on her and landed on her head. We looked at his leg and did not see any signs of bruising, swelling or broken bones, so we gave him an ice pack and made him rest on the couch. For the rest of the evening Ryker could not walk, when he tried he cried out in pain. Kefford and I thought to give him a night to rest it hoping that in the morning he would be fine. Well much to my dismay when we woke up this morning there was no change. He was still in a lot of pain and walking was out of the question. So Kefford took him to the Dr and he returned looking like this...

yup the kid went and broke his leg on Kenedy's head. The bone was not broken in half just the back part of it was broken. So right now we are waiting for a call from the orthopedic surgeon to tell us a time to come in so he can look at it and most likely cast it.
So you can see that with three pretty badly hurt kids in one week, why I am waiting for child welfare services to come knocking on my door!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

singing blues

This is my good friend Elaine Josi. She is our neighbor and my kids and I adore her as she does us. She recently took me out to lunch for my birthday. We went to Red Robin a place I love and a place she has never visited. After her telling the waitress that we were there for my birthday I then gave the waitress the "please no singing" plea. Well Elaine then took it upon herself to tell the waitress "oh yes you have to come and sing to her" Great Elaine, you just unknowingly opened up a big can of worms. After the waitress left I told Elaine exactly what goes on when the staff of Red Robin come chanting through the restaurant to sing to a person. It is obnoxious and rather embarrassing. But good for me I got through it and payback will come quick for little miss Elaine!
We did have alot of fun and I do really love this lady!!

best cookies ever!

My friend Brooke makes the best sugar cookies ever. She is also my visiting teacher and I always look forward to February because she brings me heart shaped sugar cookies. You know those sugar cookies that the bakery sells? The ones that are really soft and yummy? These are even better! I finally got around to asking her for her recipe and Avynlea and I made them the other day. I was so excited, the recipe was so easy and they turned out GREAT! So good that I had a major selfish moment. I was babysitting Beau and Bailey yesterday and Beau came in and asked if they could take some cookies home. In my greed I told him no because I had to save them for something. Yeah that something was me ! I just did not want to share my precious cookies. I felt bad later and am making some more today so that I can give him a bunch to take home. (I am babysitting them again). So I am going to include the delicious recipe so that you all can make them and then invite me over for some! But I will give you fair warning...these cookies could cause you too to have feelings of greed and selfishness come over you, but don't worry it will pass and you will be back to your normal Molly Mormon persona before too long...just like me :)!!!

Sugar Cookies 375 degrees for 10 minutes
1 pkg cream cheese (softened)
1 cup powdered sugar
1 1/2 sticks butter (softened)
1/2 t vanilla
2 cups flour
1/2 t baking soda
**Beat first four ingredients until creamy. Add flour and baking soda. Chill 1 hour.
Avynlea posing with her cookie. She was in charge of the sprinkles until I saw how sprinkle crazy she got! (Notice her lovely outfit of the day? She was quite proud of it!) Today's lovely outfit! I swear I could dedicate every day to Avynlea and her crazy outfits!

Christmas wish list!

This is a fuzzy picture taken of the kids last year on Christmas morning. THey are looking at the tree for the first time. I do apologizr for the fuzzy quality, I wanted to delete it and go with something different but I don't know how to delete it without deleting everyhting I wrote!
Erin said that by putting up this list we were going to look greedy! Well maybe we are! :) But this is the only way I can think of to let my family know what we are wanting for Christmas. So just for you Mom, and everybody else who has been asking, this is what we are into!

Kenedy is wanting books, Polly pockets, Cd's, she is into Hannah Montana, Jonas brothers and High School Musical. She recently saw an easy-bake-oven and expressed an intense desire for one of those.

Ryker is still into mostly Batman but also superman and speed racer. He really likes the little Lego kits and a little bit with puzzles too. He is very active and likes playing baseball and football with his dad.

Avynlea has suddenly discovered Barbies and Polly Pockets and plays with them all of the time. Her favorite princess is Giselle but Snow White comes in second. She loves to dress up and dances and sings around the house.

Rylee has turned into a little Mommy and wants to play with baby dolls. She loves to push strollers around and anything to do with babies is good for her. She has also turned into an Elmo freak and likes him alot.

Elizabeth, of course, loves clothes and shoes and jewelry.

Kefford could use some new shirts but he likes most anything, if in doubt give me a call! :)

OK so there you have it. Sorry if we sounded greedy I was not trying to be, I am just giving you all what you asked for!

It feels like I just wrote a letter so I am going to tell you Mom (both of you :)) that I love you and will talk to you soon!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Avynlea had some excitement today

Warning:This post has some pretty graphic pictures which are not for the faint of heart. If you cannot handle it then don't look!
So Kefford and I were inside the house watching the BSU game when Avynlea came inside crying and holding herself. I told her to calm down and quickly run to the bathroom because it seemed obvious to me that she had to go. As she was walking away I noticed two little spots on the back part of her thigh. "Hmm, weird" I thought. She came out a couple seconds later and said she did not have to go to the bathroom. As she turned around I noticed more spots on the back of her jeans. I pointed them out to Kefford and after checking the back of her leg we saw this...
Turns out she was outside playing on her Daddy's motorcycle. She knows she is not supposed to but she was doing it anyway. So I think that as she was jumping down her leg caught on the foot peg and cut open. The weird thing was her jeans did not tear at all! So I took her to the emergency room where she got these...
Six big stitches! Poor baby, but she was very brave and the Dr was very impressed. I could hear her telling other Dr's how brave my little girl was. Avynlea just layed there and watched spongebob while the Dr did her thing. She did tell me it hurt a couple times but I was good at keeping her distracted. The Dr. said that Avynlea must have felt the last stitch because she jerked and said it hurt. After we got home Avynlea had this happen for her...
Ryker tucking her in and taking care of her. In fact he is out right now with Kefford buying her a treat with his own money. He is such a good big brother!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Gobble, Gobble

The kindergartners were all given paper turkeys to take home with strict instructions to cut them out and decorate them with anything they can think of. So after leaving the turkey on the counter for a couple of days I suddenly hit upon the perfect thing for Ryker's turkey. When he came home I told him my idea and he jumped all over it, he was really excited. So Ryker and I got together and came up with this...
I think it is the coolest looking turkey ever and watch out bad guys cause BatTurkey can totally beat you up!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The two of us

I absolutely love this picture. I have to admit though, I did have the thought while Lana was posing us that this was kinda weird, but it turned out looking so cool. Just like the pictures I always admired and wished we could take! I made the comment to Kefford that it felt like we were having our engagement pictures taken.

Family Pictures 2008

I wanted to update our family pictures from last year and after convincing Kefford that yes, it was necessary, he finally agreed. So I bought black shirts for everyone who didn't have one and off we went. (funny side story...Ryker got birthday money from his grandma Lutes and combined with his tooth money he felt very rich. When we were in Target waiting in line to buy his sweater Ryker told me that he wanted to buy the sweater. I said "no it's ok I have money I can do it" to which he replied "no mom I really want to pay for it" I finally convinced him to save his money to buy the toy he has been wanting since our friend let Rylee use her kids in church on Sunday. After our pictures Kefford took him to the store to buy the mini etcher-sketch he wanted. (i know it is etch-a-sketch but etcher-sketch is what Ryker called it and I thought it was cute) Lana did our pictures again this year and I am loving what she does. She has fantastic ideas and doesn't even get frustrated when Rylee screams and won't cooperate!
I really love my family!
I love the pictures that were taken of just Kefford and I! (Lana-Lou you did a fabulous job!)

I really do not know what it takes to get Rylee to be happy and smiling in our pictures.

This picture was a fluke! It is really the only one where she actually looks pleasant !

Avynlea is trying really hard to do her fake smile and I am behind the camera trying really hard to get her to not!

Ryker is extremely photogenic. I think he would be an awesome kids model!

Kenedy is just beautiful. I was coaching her about not doing her fake smile and said try doing a closed mouth smile. I didn't know she was never going to show her teeth again!

my stylista, cake, and more from the stylista

I just took this picture of Avynlea. I told her to get dressed for the day and she came down wearing Kenedy's shirt. This kid has some serious style!
After feeling bad that my big deal 30th birthday went neglected Kefford made me a cake Sunday after church. We did not get around to trying it out until after the kids went to bed but when we did boy was it ever good! So good that Kefford decided that this cake was off limits to kids, they could have different treats. I did cut myself a piece yesterday and share it with Rylee but, shhh, he does not have to know. When he came home from work yesterday he was kinda disappointed that when I put the saran wrap back on it was touching the frosting. I had to laugh when I woke up this morning to find the cake looking like this, all nicely re-wrapped so that no more plastic was touching the cake...bit OCD you think?
On Sunday Avynlea wanted to wear her pretty, green, poofy, sleeveless dress. I told her that was fine but that she had to wear her white sweater with it. I had to laugh when she came down with this sweater on. I took a picture, told her how pretty she looked, then told her to go back upstairs, take that sweater off and put on her white CHURCH sweater. This kids style really cracks me up. It is quite normal for her to bypass all of her pretty girlie shoes in favor of Rykers shoes. Yesterday we were going to the library so I dressed her all cute with a sassy hat and everything and then she put on Rykers old cowboy boots. I told you she has style!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Bithday Elizabeth and Ryker!!

Ryker chose to have a speed racer birthday party. This is the cool speed racer cake that Kefford cut out and I designed. I think we did a pretty good job. Ryker said it looked awesome and his is the opinion that matters so it was a great success.

It was a crazy madhouse for one and a half hours because of all the kids that were invited. But since this was Ryker's first year of having a birthday party and because Kefford was home to help, I let Ryker invite as many friends as he wanted. OK so I am not that crazy I did put a somewhat limit to the amount of invites. I had just been in his classroom helping so I knew which kids were the problem ones and to steer him away from wanting to invite. The kids had alot of fun and Kefford was really good about keeping them somewhat calmed down. The only problems came when the games took too long and the ones waiting got restless and would start to chase each other around the house. We played pin the car on the race track, pass the car, and we had a pinata!

Happy 30th to me and Happy 6th to Ryker!

For my big celebration we went out to eat at Red Robins where Ryker and I got free ice-cream sundaes but we told them no singing. (I know, we are big party poopers!)


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Voting Follies

*I Voted*

I wasn't going to post anything about today because I think everyone knows how important today is and anyway this blog is about my family and not about sharing politics. No offence to those who do share politics I just didn't want to. But I happened to have a funny thing happen today while I was voting, and so, for today, i will let this be about politics (kind of) and not about my cute and adorable kids.

A funny thing happened at the voting booth. I picked up my ballot and went to the last voting booth on the left, right next to a nice looking old man. I placed my ballot in front of me and proceeded to give it the once over. Just to take a breath and not let my voting nerves get to me. As I was reading it I suddenly got a BIG case of the giggles. I know, probably not the most appropriate considering where I was at and all but you tell me that not a single one of you would have done the same thing if you saw what I saw. In casting a vote for Governor or Senator or something (I really can't remember which) I saw this...
Pro-Life(formally known as Blankity, blank(i added the blankity, blank cause I cannot remember his former name))
This guy was so serious about this issues that he had his name changed just so we all understood what he believes in!! Now do you blame me for getting the giggles. The bummer side about all of this is that I had no one to giggle and make fun with. I tried engaging the old man next to me but he gave me a disapproving side glance and hugged his ballot closer to his body. Probably thought I was trying to cheat,well maybe I was! Next time all of you have to come voting with me so that I will not be alone with my giggles. Cause who wants to giggle alone?

Monday, November 3, 2008

funny stories and pumpkin carving

A funny story: My Mom used to make a certain kind of muffins called Mormon Muffins. They are really yummy and very healthy, made with, among other things, 10 grain cereal and buttermilk. I finally got all of the ingredients to make these muffins and I made them Sunday morning, forgetting until I was done that it was fast Sunday. But that's OK the little kids can eat them and I will try one later on. As I was making them the time came to pour in the buttermilk which I did, noticing that I did not have quite an entire quart. For those of you who know how I cook you know that this would not bother me one bit, I just make do. So I finished and the little kids ate them with Ryker telling me how delicious they were..good kid! SO later on in the day Kefford comes in the kitchen asking where his egg nog is. "Its in the fridge" I told him. "No its not" was his reply. So I opened the fridge to show him and then I paused....Oh, that's the buttermilk, so then, I guess I used the egg nog in my muffins! Oops..HAHAHA. I think the time change had an impact on me, that and being woken up at 6:00 by a poop covered Rylee. Yeah it was gross and yes it was all over her and her bed. But you know those muffins really taste quite good.Next time I will use the buttermilk and then decide which is better!

On Friday the kids did not have school so we spent the afternoon carving pumpkins. Well I carved and they watched. I did have them draw a design on the pumpkin and then I cut it following the design the best I could. I tried to get them to help clean the guts out which they kind of did. Kenedy kept smelling the insides saying out good it smelled, Ryker was getting grossed out putting his hand inside, he said it felt like brains. At one point I overheard him saying..."die brains, die"! Yeah he is crazy! Avynlea just watched and got in everyones way and Rylee slept through the entire thing. Enjoy our pumpkin carving pictures!

even though she was sleeping I did carve out a little pumpkin for Rylee. Here she is inspecting it!

Ryker, Avynlea and Kenedy anxious to trick or treat but humoring Mom and posing for a picture first!

"Die brains, Die!"