Monday, June 24, 2019

Citrus Pear Revisited

I liked the first Citrus Pear class I did so much that I signed up to do another one. Now I have so many freezer meals in my freezer that I should be good for a while. I talked my friend Amber Connors into going with me and there were some other girls from our Ward there as well. Amber is a Labor and Delivery nurse and is pretty busy and I don't get to hang out with her as much as I would like so I think we were both excited to do this class together.
It was a lot of fun and we made a lot of recipes to stick in the freezer. I am excited with how many freezer meals I now have!

Front row: Elizabeth, Erica Lish, Chelsea Thompson, Mikelle Anderson, Emily Walker and Kylie Bruneel
And in the back row in the purple sweatshirt is Amber Connors