Thursday, December 31, 2015

While at the Farm

We stayed the night at the farm and while we were there Rylee expressed a desire to do some shooting. Kefford loaded up a gun for her and let her practice out in the backyard. She says it was a lot of fun and she did not miss one target except when she was hitting the bag. Pretty sure she will be wanting to do it again.

While we were at the church Kenedy was able to get Sadie to snuggle with her. Sadie is pretty picky about who she lets pick her up and Kenedy was loving it.

Ryker and Kenedy stayed at the farm for a couple of days and we brought Ally home with us. I took the girls to church on Sunday and thought they looked so cute all wearing glasses. Ally got some fake glasses for Christmas and was wearing them a ton so I assume Avy and Rylee pulled out their fake glasses to match and join in the fun.
We went back to Nyssa for New Years Eve. Bob and Alison invited Tami and Alan and their kids over for hamburgers and homemade fries. It was a lot of fun to visit with Karli and Taylor and I am glad we had the chance to see them. Brit and Kelsey were also there with their family. After Alan's family left the rest of us visited on the couches for a while watching Bob watch TV. Not the most exciting New Years by any means but I am always glad when we can be with family. I went to bed before midnight and the next morning found out that Ryker kept his Grandma up till 2:30 playing games. He had it in his head that he needed to stay up all night. Crazy kid. Luckily he got too tired and fell asleep and Alison was able to go back upstairs to her bed. Rylee got to be with Brielle and Qiana and Avynlea stayed the night at Ally's house. Kenedy wanted to go to the multi stake New Years Dance and so she went to that and then stayed the night at Mikells house. Lot's going on but I am sure everyone had a fun New Years!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

December Randoms

Sometimes waking up at 7 in the morning to read scriptures as a family is a little hard for the kids. On this morning Avynlea was still pretty tired when she had to crawl out of bed so she climbed onto my lap and snuggled with me for a bit. I was not complaining one bit, these morning snuggles are great!

In November I had a dental cleaning and since my dentist was out of town I had to be seen by one of the other Dentists in the office. I had to have new X-Rays taken and the dentist came in to talk to me about them. He saw a cavity that concerned him and started questioning me on my eating and cleaning habits. I was starting to get really angry because it felt like he was grilling me. I floss and fluoride rinse every night and brush twice a day. He couldn't figure out why I would have this cavity and was asking if I had changed my eating habits in the past year. Asking if I drank a lot of soda, no, drinking lots of coffee throughout the day, no, drinking more sugary drinks, no. I drink a lot of water and really that's about it. It was not a good visit and after making an appointment to come back in December for a filling I left still feeling pretty angry.
I went back in the beginning of December and I was so glad that my regular dentist was back. I really like him, He got me situated and said that before they started they were going to pull up my past two X-rays . After looking at them he showed me that there was no change in the cavity from when we first discovered it and now. My flossing and fluoride rinsing has helped keep it from changing and he said he saw no reason to do a filling. Hooray! I realized the other dentist never looked at the previous X-Ray and was only going on what he was seeing in my current one, that was why he was grilling me, because he could not figure why I would have a cavity when I was doing everything right. 
After Dr Higginson decided to veto the filling we were talking about my teeth and I mentioned how I was not happy with the color of my canines. He decided to whiten them up for me and that is how instead of getting a filling I went in and got my teeth whitened. He really is the best! I went away feeling so happy and excited that I was really taking good care of my teeth.
After my visit I was on the google hangout with my family telling them about my visit and I sent them some pictures. 

I really liked the instagram message my friend had put up and took a snapchat of it.

I also have daily messages sent to me from and I really liked the one I was sent on this day.

Avy and Kefford were having some fun messing around and wanted me to take a picture. It took Avy a couple of tries to get the straight face she wanted, but she eventually got it.

After our winter dance show we had one more week of dance classes. Our Friday night classes were really relaxed and we basically let the kids dance around to christmas music. I was starting to get really bored and took a couple of selfies for fun.

I took this picture of me and Rylee at our Ward Christmas breakfast. Cutie Pie Rylee.

Sunday, December 27, 2015


T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring...until 7:00 AM. I was super impressed that our kids stayed quiet and asleep until then, it was nice. Once Ryker came quietly knocking at our door at 7 all the girls got up and came into our room to open their stockings. Such a fun tradition! Kenedy was woken up and acted all put out about that but she got over herself...eventually. Everyone had fun seeing what was inside their stockings and really liked it all.
We always have the kids wait on the stairs while we go down and get ourselves ready for the picture taking. They had an extra long wait while we all waited for Kenedy to finish curling her hair, seriously. Finally we got tired of waiting and I let the three kids come down.
Thanks to great deals and ebay I was able to get the girls some things for their American Girl dolls. Rylee really wanted Caroline's Cow and she got that plus the mini doll and some accessories.
I managed to find Sage's riding outfit at a good price on ebay for Avynlea.

Pretty sure he was happier about these books then the picture portrays.
Kefford found Kenedy a new phone case which had her favorite animal on it.

A new DS game
and speakers for her phone

Rylee has been wanting some new boots for a while and described exactly what she wanted them to look like. She was so super excited to open the package and find her perfect boots! 

My Mom sent us some new pyrex bakeware which I was really excited about plus a wisemen plaque for our Christmas decor. She also sent the kids some money and yummy popcorn.

We opened out secret person gifts from my family.
Alec had Ryker and he gave him a mine craft spider stuffy and a mine craft poster. Ryker had Anita and he picked out a giraffe mama and baby ring for her.

Joshua had Avynlea and he sent her a pair of chameleon goggles that lets you see behind you and the game "Exploding Kittens". Avynlea had Camryn and she sewed and cut a My Little Pony blanket for her. 

Ben had Rylee and he gave her the cutest Apron for her and a matching one for her doll. Rylee had Heather and she sent her a Sloth ring.
Dillon had Kefford and he gave him some cool batman basketball shorts. Kefford had JayLynn and she was given a playdoh set and a Monster High Doll. 
Alyssa had Kenedy and she sent her a really cute hat and scarf. Kenedy had Erin and she gave her an adorable Minnie Mouse Umbrella.
Stephanie had me and gave me a sparkly headband, earrings, bracelets and a cute scarf. Fancy! 

I had Ben and I made him a Gryffendor cloak. I got the idea and was really excited about it but then after buying the material I started to have doubts about whether he would like it or think it was dumb. It was too late by them so I made it and hoped for the best.
Emily sent me this picture of Ben after he opened his gift and said he LOVED it! I was so happy.
Kefford and I decided to just get each other a picture of the Los Angeles Temple for Christmas. We have never had a picture of the Temple we were sealed in because I have never been able to find one we liked. While in Utah this summer I found one at the BYU bookstore that was perfect. Over thanksgiving Kefford and I were able to get it for 20% off thanks to black friday deals. 
Because we got the picture I was not really expecting anything else. When we came downstairs that morning I was surprised to see a rather large gift under the tree that was not familiar to me. I wondered what it was but did not worry about it too much just enjoyed watching everyone open their gifts. Kefford did surprise me with some small gifts which was fun and I loved. Towards the end this big unknown gift was brought over to me to open and when I took off the wrapping I found the suitcase I have been wanting for so long. I was so surprised and excited! I had given up on getting this a long time ago and can't believe Kefford got it and was able to surprise me with it! I love surprises and I love presents, it was perfect! Now I need someplace to go :)
After we were done opening presents Rylee helped me in the kitchen with making breakfast and was able to start putting her apron to good use.

Joshua got the game he sent Avynlea for Christmas and sent her a picture of him with his game. Avynlea wanted to replicate his picture and send it to him.
I had Kefford help me hang our new picture and after rearranging some things on the piano I love how it looks! 

After our fun Christmas morning we headed out to the Farm to spend time with Keffords family. We all got new Peterson Farms sweatshirts which we love and our stocking box filled with fun foods and odds and ends. That evening, Gwens family, my family and Whitneys family went down to the church to play dodge ball. 
We had a really fun Christmas and enjoyed spending time with each other and family

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve Day was a pretty relaxed day. It had snowed the day before and so the kids played outside in the snow with friends and hung out inside playing with friends. I was able to just spend the day hanging out inside reading and getting things prepped for dinner that night. It was nice. I like not having anything to do and just being able to spend a day relaxing.  

The middle picture are Sydney Walls, Avynlea and Rylee trying to build a snowman. They got this big ball made and then went to work on a second ball, couldn't figure out how to get it on top of the first ball, gave up and smashed the first ball. Fun times!
Ryker and his friend Cody Walls were trying to build a snow fort and decided that their design was not going to work out very well, so they just threw snow.
I made a turkey dinner and then after we all cleaned up I told the kids they needed to work together to come up with a re-enactment of the Nativity. There was some arguing but in the end they put together  the best showing they could with only 4 people. Avynlea was Mary, Ryker was Joseph, Rylee was an Angel and the innkeeper and Kenedy was a donkey, a sheep and the three wisemen.

After watching a DVD about the Nativity from the church we let the kids open their new pajamas and ornaments. This year I bought them pajamas instead of making them. The Disney Store had a sale and I bought Avy and Rylee pajamas of their favorite Princesses. Kenedy was wanting silk pajamas and however much I looked I could not find cute silk pajamas in her size. She ended up with cute flannel ones. Ryker was the hardest to shop for. I had a vision in my head of what I wanted for him and could not find it in his size. I found the perfect ones on Amazon but when I got them I discovered the sizes were listed wrong and they sent me a size 8, when I looked to exchange for a bigger size they I saw that 8 was the biggest they went. I finally had to accept that what I wanted to get him was impossible to find and got him some fleece bottoms. 
The girls got ornaments of their favorite princesses and Ryker got a Stitch ornament. They all seemed to love what they got and it was a very happy Christmas Eve.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Out to eat at Applebees

Whenever our family finishes reading one of the standard works we take the kids out to dinner. We rarely go out to eat as a family and so it is a special treat. We went after we finished reading the New Testament and not to long ago we finished reading the Book of Mormon as a family. Kefford had received a couple of gift cards to Applebees and so that is where we went a couple of days before Christmas to celebrate our reading. Although now that I think about it I don't think we told the kids why we were going out, maybe Kefford did and I was not paying attention that does happen. 
When we came in we were being seated and we passed by a table that had a couple sitting there eating who were dressed up as Santa and Mrs Claus. It was interesting. Later as we were eating, the man dressed as Santa started coming around to all the tables that had kids and was passing out candy canes. He came to our table and asked our kids if they were good kids and then gave them each a candy cane. It was strange but it was Christmas time so ok. But then he went to Kenedy and it got a little weird. He gave her a candy and then asked her if she wanted to pull his beard. The look on her face was the best ever. She did not know what to do and just told him "that's ok". It was pretty funny and gave us something to laugh about.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Wearing Our Christmas Finest

The Sunday before Christmas is when most of us chose to wear our Christmas finery to church. Kenedy wore hers the week before and wanted to wear her new blanket scarf. These pictures were taken after church right before we went to tithing settlement so hair might be a little undone, but everyone looked good and it was a nice Sunday at Church. 

Elizabeth and Kefford
Looks like I am Kefford sandwiched in this picture! :)

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Christmas Music Programs

On Thursday right after Dance classes I had to rush to the Elementary School to watch Rylee sing her heart out in the third grade Christmas Music Program. Seats to these events fill up fast and early and by the time I got there it was very crowded, barely standing room only. Luckily I texted my friend the day before and asked if she would save me a seat. So even though I arrived 2 minutes before it started, I had a front row seat! I love good friends!
Rylee likes to randomly sing around the house, in the shower, in her room, everywhere we go. I have been hearing one particular song for a couple of weeks now and thought it was super cute. The girls sing Winter Wonderland with the boys chiming in with their own version of the song about how much they hate it. It is a fun song and I liked being able to hear and see it sung by all the third graders. When they first came in and lined up Rylee spent a lot of time trying to find me. I was waving to her and trying to catch her attention but she was not looking in the front so it took her a couple of minutes to spot me. When she did find me her worried little look melted away to a big beautiful smile. I love watching her perform and seeing how animated she gets. 

Rylee got to play one of the instruments for a song, she did a great job and looked so pleased with herself.

That night was Avynlea's Honor Choir Christmas Concert. I brought a blanket with me to Rylee's so that I could save seats for us at Avynleas. I am glad we did because we were running late since I had to pick up Kenedy from Cheer and by the time we got there all the seats were again filled. My blanket was still in the front row saving 5 chairs just for us, I like it when my cleverness pays off. :)
Avynlea was another cutie singing her heart out. Picking Avynlea up half an hour later after school two times a week because she has Honor Choir practice is a big pain and super annoying and inconvenient but I can forget all of that while I am watching her perform and how fun it is. She did a great job and both my girls looked beautiful and were so fun to watch!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

EDP Winter Show

Monday was the Winter Show for Elevated Dance. The Winter Show is a super informal "work in progress" show. A chance for the dancers to show a little bit of what they have been working on. Because it is so informal I never invite anyone, I don't even usually have Kefford or the other kids come. I probably wouldn't have my girls in it if I didn't have to be there. Avynlea and Rylee are in a Combo kids class this year for Ballet and Jazz. In class they have been working on learning their Jazz dance to "Safe and Sound" and that is what they showed at the recital, a quick 1 minute snippet of their dance. They did really good and looked so cute on the stage. 

Rylee has been wanting a camera of her own and I told her she could borrow mine. She brought it to the recital and took a bunch of pictures of performances and backstage. I copied the ones I liked and that were relevant to us and then deleted the rest. I was really glad she had the camera because I was able to use it to take my own pictures since I forgot my phone at home.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Jr Warriors Cheer Clinic

In September the Cheerleaders were planning on doing a cheer clinic for kids and after two days of practice the mini cheerleaders would perform at halftime at a football game. All of the Warrior Cheerleaders were to get little ones to sign up. Kenedy got Avynlea and her best friend as well as Rylee, her best friend and her friends little sister, 5 in total. After the the deadline for signups had passed we got an email from the head coach saying they were canceling the clinic because they only had 5 participants sign up. Kenedy was the only cheerleader to actually get any signups. The girls were so disappointed and I was pretty ticked. Grr
They decided to try this clinic again in December and luckily they had more participants so it was not cancelled. Kenedy again was able to get 5 girls to sign up. Her two little sisters, 2 of Avy's friends from school and the girls neighbor friend. Those of us who had signed up before got $5 off the price this time around so that was a nice perk.
After two nights of learning routines it was time for the girls to perform at the Girls Varsity Basketball game. They were so cute and did such a good job. Avy and Rylee were in different age groups and each had their own cheer and dance to perform. I loved watching them and they had so much fun. Avynlea was even able to be a flyer and she LOVED that. 

Paige, Rose, Avynlea, Sydney and Rylee
After they performed I asked them what they thought about it all and Avynlea said she loved it and wants to do more cheer. Rylee said she had fun but would rather be playing Basketball. I love that my girls are willing to try new things and like to have fun. They were so cute and I love watching and supporting them in anything they are willing to try!