Saturday, August 31, 2019

Family Time at Wahooz

For Christmas this year Bob and Alison gave our family a one day pass to Wahooz. This pass gave us unlimited access to everything and it was a pretty great gift, we were really excited about it. We haven't been able to use it with Kenedy being away at school and with our summer so busy but we finally found the time to go today. 
The first thing we did was wait in line to ride the go-carts. It was a long line and it wasn't moving very fast so we had to wait a while but once we finally got to go it was a lot of fun for everyone. I had a slight headache and being on the go-carts made it flare up more which I was bummed about. I din't want a headache to ruin the fun with my family so I said a little prayer for help. 

After the go-carts we headed to the bumper boats. That was a lot of fun but we all got more wet then we expected which wasn't too bad because it was a hot day.
After the number boats we went inside and played a round of laser tag. I liked this one a lot. Our family was on the green team and we won with Ryker being the high scorer over all. He was pretty happy with that bit of news.

We did some bowling and Ryker ended up being the high scorer again! It has been years and years since Kefford and I have gone bowling and boy did it show. I think we need to add bowling to our list of date night activities.
Kenedy and I did the ropes course while Ryker and Kefford raced each other on the climbing wall and Rylee and Avynlea rode some rides. By the time the rest of the kids joined us at the ropes course we were done and Kefford and Kenedy left to go across the street to get us food from Subway. While they were gone Ryker, Avynlea and Rylee took their turn on the ropes course. By the time they were done Kefford and Kenedy were back with the food and we went outside to the car for a dinner break. I was able to take some advil for my headache at that time and it went away within the next half hour. I was really grateful that I was able to have so much fun with my family and not let my headache put a damper on things.

After we were fed we went back and did a round of mini golf. It was Avynlea, Rylee and I in the first group with Kefford, Kenedy and Ryker just behind us. We didn't keep score but I think I did pretty well. I didn't get any holes in one but I got enough holes in two that I felt pretty good about it.

After the mini golf we headed back inside to play some of the arcade games. It was getting pretty late by then and Kenedy wanted to go because she had plans with her friend. But we played games and earned tickets and cashed in our tickets for prizes. We didn't earn a lot but we compiled what we did get so Rylee could get a kazoo and a slinky, Avynlea got candy and Ryker got a whoopee cushion and some candy. Not a bad haul.

Ryker, Avynlea and Rylee wanted to ride one last ride and they went on the frog jumper. It was funny seeing the big kids on this kid ride with such little kids. Though everyone had fun and we had fun watching them go up and down, up and down.
I had such a fun time with my family and I am so appreciative of this gift we got so we could have a fun day together making memories and enjoying each others company. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Volleyball and Trampoline

Today after school was Rylee's first Volleyball game. I thought she did a good job and seemed pretty equal skills wise to the rest of the team. She looked happy and cute out on the court and that made me happy to see her enjoying herself. Later she told me that she did have fun unless she looked at the other team glaring at her and then she got a little more nervous. I said I didn't think they were glaring to be mean and that maybe they just had their concentrating focused face on. I enjoyed watching and learning more about the game and on the ride home I asked Kate Sharp, who we carpool with, and Rylee questions to try to understand more of what I saw. I was confused about how the team setup worked and after Rylee trying to explain it and me not understanding she finally gave up and said she would draw it out for me later. 

When we got home Mikell's kids were there playing games, I told Mikell I would watch her kids that night so she could go out with Steve and his family. Everyone else had to leave for Mutual but luckily I had Kenedy there to help me entertain the kids. Jenna especially wanted Kenedy to jump with them on the Trampoline so she did for a little while. Mostly we just sat and visited while watching them play. It was a nice night.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Another First Day of School

August 26th was the first day of school for my kids. This summer went way too fast and it was a little sad to see them heading back to school. It has been fun having them around the past couple of months and we were able to do a lot of fun summer things. 
But back to school it is and we have Rylee in 7th grade at Star Middle School...
Ryker is in 11th grade at Meridian High School...
And Avynlea starting 9th grade at Meridian High School
I told Kenedy that the only job she had to do while at home for her break was to make the lunches. She has been making Hers and Kefford's lunches every day for work and now she has Avynlea and Ryker's lunches to add to the mix. Rylee is doing lunch helpers again in the cafeteria and gets free lunch in addition to being paid. 
I thought Kenedy's messages on the lunch bags to her brother and sister were quite comical. So nice to have your big sister packing your school lunches.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Outside Fun

Mikell asked me if I would watch her kids on Tuesday the 20th so she could go to the Temple. I happily agreed and then invited Brit and her kids over so the kids could all go swimming. Mikell dropped her kids off and i headed over to the pool with them with the intentions of meeting Brit there. When we arrived we saw that the pool was closed again, third time this summer, for a 24 hour cleaning. Which means someone pooped in the pool again! It is getting pretty annoying and put a big kink in our plans.
Avynlea was a really great improviser and suggested we turn on the hose in the backyard, which we did. It turned out to be so fun for the kids and I think they had just as good a time doing that then swimming. Avynlea was such a fun big cousin and played really well with all of the littles. 
I had to leave to pick up Rylee from Volleyball practice and Brit needed to match some cupboards for her house so we left the big kids in charge and ran our errands. I was back pretty quick and Rylee was all for joining in on the fun. Brit brought pizza with her when she returned which enabled everyone to be able to stay a little big longer. I really enjoyed my time visiting with Mikell and Brit watching our kids enjoy the summer sun.

Kenedy had her second date that night with Tanner Pollock. She didn't get any pictures of their first date or their second but I was smart, or creepy, depends who you ask, and snuck a picture before they left. They were supposed to go to Jump Creek but at the last minute realized it was an hour away and that was too far for that Tuesday night date. They couldn't come up with any ideas so we talked them into going miniature golfing which Kenedy did not want to do but said surprisingly they had a lot of fun.
Last year I completed the quilt top for Kenedy's cheer shirt quilt but never got around to finishing it. It has been staring at me and making me feel bad every time I went into the craft nook but I was always too intimidated and unsure to do anything with it. Kenedy asked me about it the other day and I decided the time is now to get this done. She went with me and picked out a fabric for the back and then on Saturday morning I finished it. It looks so cute, Kenedy loves it and it wasn't hard at all. The mountain turned out to be a mole hill and I am quite happy with how it looks. Kenedy seems pretty happy also and posted about it on Instagram. When I was expressing doubt about my ability to do this quilt she was my biggest cheerleader and told me she knew I could do it and that I am better at sewing then I give myself credit for. She really helped boost my confidence about it and she was right, I was able to do it and do a good job, she is the best and I have loved having her home for her summer break and I love that I got this quilt done finally.
While I was working on the quilt Kefford had the kids helping him in the backyard with some yard work. We recently got curbing put in and Kefford needed to fix the rocks and grass around it. It looked much better once they were all done and many hands make light work.

On Sunday we had Stake Conference and after it was done the kids talked us into going out to the Farm for the afternoon. We weren't able to get a hold of Bob or Alison to see if it was OK but luckily they had more then enough food for lunch to feed us as well as Trevor and Whitney's families and were really happy to see us. 
While we were hanging out visiting after lunch Kenedy took my phone and got a picture of herself and one of Garrett. 

Monday, August 19, 2019

Life Back Home

Coming back home from our trip to Alaska was fun in that we got to see our kids again. I missed them while we were gone. We were playing games upstairs when Rylee left to go do something. I asked her if she would get me a cup of water which she sweetly did. Kenedy asked her for a cup of water also and Rylee brought her back a spoon of water. She is too funny! I enjoyed watching her give Kenedy her spoon of water. After Kenedy was a good sport Rylee went out and brought in the cup of water she had for Kenedy.
Rylee is doing Volleyball this year at school and before one of her practices she had 7th grade registration. We printed off her schedule from online and using that we found her classes and her locker. Her locker is in the same hallway as most of her classes, must be the 7th grade hall, which was pretty convenient. I paid her fees and took a picture of my superstar 7th grader before leaving her to practice her sport.
On my way out Kim sent me some pictures of Nathanial, Eva and Lucy along with some jokes for me so I sent picture back with a joke of my own. I had Eva and Lucy in my class this last year and Nathanial has been in my class in previous years. They are the funnest, sweetest kids and they just moved to Utah and it makes me so sad to not see them anymore at the studio.

Avynlea started a picture and quote wall next to her mirror and it looks pretty cute. She is definitely exhibiting signs that she is now a teenager

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Blue Angels over Seattle

On August 3rd Kefford and I drove to Seattle because we were going on an Alaskan Cruise with some of my family. I am going to make a separate book just for that trip but while we were in Seattle we got to watch the Blue Angels fly over Lake Washington. 
I remember going to see the blue Angels over March Air Force Base, I think, when I was younger and it was so cool to be able to see them again. Their formations are so tight and on point it was unbelievable!
Their were 6 jets in total with 4 doing most of the flying formations together and then the other two would be doing different tricks together and on their own. My only complaint was we didn't see enough of them, it was really fun.

After the show we followed the trails through the woods back to Joshua's house, that was a fun and pretty hike.
Back at Joshua's house Kefford had fun bonding with his two little Nephews. He had me take a picture of Fredrick "drinking" out of a can of soda, it was empty.
And he had a fun time showing Amos games on his phone.