Monday, June 30, 2014

Roaring Springs

The three younger kids had each earned a ticket to Roaring Springs through the roaring readers program. Time was quickly running out on when we could use them and so we went on a wednesday with my friend Cristal and her two boys. Avynlea brought her friend from school Alexandra along and Kenedy got a free pass in through her friend Shelby who brought her in with her seasons pass. 
Once again I could not get any pictures of Kenedy, she was off and running with her friend and I did not see her a whole lot. It was not the best day for the water park it was a bit overcast and sprinkled rain off and on. But the kids still managed to have a lot of fun going on the rides and playing in the water. Rylee once again proved her fearlessness by being game to going on any and every ride. Avynlea and Ryker were a bit more cautious about what they chose to go on. Everyone had a lot of fun and I am glad that they were able to earn free tickets so that we could go.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sister Love

I needed to stop in at Target to exchange a lid that I had gotten to go with a box tote I had bought only to come home and find it didn't fit. So I took it back and got a different one only to return home and find that one also was no good. So this was my last attempt to getting a lid that fit that tote. Luckily it all worked out and my tote of Easter goodies now has a properly fitting lid. Good thing because I was getting tired of this back and forth lid business.
Avynlea and Rylee came with me and of course had to have me take a picture of them posing in the cut out in front of the store. 
Any time my kids are getting along and having fun together is a good day. I love when I hear laughter instead of yelling and giggling instead of arguing. These are the times that parents live for. 
I got a kick out of watching Avynlea and Rylee play the Wii together. They were having a lot of fun and it was a good moment.

Later that day I went to meet up with a friend of mine for ice-cream. She is a good friend of mine from dance and we have not seen each other since the recital so we decided it was time to meet up and catch up. When I got there I knew she was not there yet since her car was not in the parking lot but I decided to go in and scan really quick just to make sure. I also thought of maybe waiting inside. When I walked in I did my quick scan and saw that she was not there. I did happen to see a couple of girls from one of the classes I taught but my introvert side quickly kicked in and I high-tailed it out of there hoping they wouldn't notice me so I wouldn't have to awkwardly talk. As I was walking out and letting the door close behind me I heard "Mrs. Liz". I maybe should have stopped and turned but I kept going and sat on a bench outside the shop, kind of hoping to be ignored. My fellow introverts will 100% understand my actions! A minute later three girls came running out the door yelling my name and running over to me. So I put on my extrovert and hugged them and talked to them. They are sweet girls and it is nice to be loved. They were there having ice-cream with their Aunt and so I had her take a picture with my phone after she took one with hers. 
Navee, Halle, Me and Kennedy

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Dance Show

For about a week the kids on our street have been really busy putting together a dance show. When I got my invitation I thought it was a fleeting thing and that it would kind of fade out. But that Saturday the kids were up and out early busy getting ready for this production. Our house is in the center of all the neighborhood kids houses and naturally the kids kind of gather on our lawn to play. So I was not surprised that our house was the location for this performance. The kids set up chairs and had a snack table and programs. I have to say I was pretty impressed and it kind of put to shame the "productions" that Heather and I were put on at our Grandmas house. 
At 3:00 the neighborhood adults gathered together to watch this dance performance. Not only parents came, they made sure to invite everyone nearby that we knew so we had a good audience. 
Let the show begin!

RYker was at Boy Scout Camp and Kenedy was too mature to participate but Avynlea and Rylee were right in the thick of things.
Avynlea and Alex were the MC's

First they introduced all of the dancers and had them come out so we could see them.
Kefford was working on the fence and missed the first part of the show but he was able to be there for the second half.
Rylee was up first and she did a good job moving around.

Kenedy being cool!
Group Performance
Alan was the DJ and he did a good job despite some technical difficulties.
Alex and Kyla
Gretchen and Taylor
Rylee and Alex

For the final performance they did a group number to Party Rock and invited the audience to join in. Just the really cool ones jumped in and danced with the kids.

A common ending for these performers was to fall down dead so they did it at the very end.
The audience

The Marburg kids!

So fun and such a creative thing to do . I loved sitting there watching them perform and I loved the bonding with our neighbors. We have really fun kids!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Girls Camp

The last week of school for the three youngest was also the week that Kenedy got to go to Girls Camp. She was really excited for this week and had been looking forward to it for quite a while. I was not there this year and so I missed out but I was able to grab these four pictures that were taken the night before they came home from our Young Womens President. After camp Kenedy went straight to her Grandparents to stay for about five days so she could work and earn some money. I was told that Kenedy was one of three girls who pulled an all nighted the last night of Camp. I am impressed that they were able to do it and found out that imaginary cooking shows and virtual Uno played in their heads was what helped them to stay up. Does not sound like a fun time to me but she liked doing it so....

I am glad she had such a fun experience at Camp. I am always grateful for Leaders who make things fun and who don't hesitate to participate and enjoy being with the youth. I heard that all the other Wards did not appreciate our Wards fun and laughter but I was also told they were just jealous because of all the fun they were having. Another successful Girls Camp!