Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas Nativity

On Sunday Kefford and I went to the primary to watch Ryker perform as Joseph in a reinactment of the nativity. It was really cute and the message was pretty quick but powerful. I really enjoyed watching the cute kids perform their parts. After church and after we ate Kenedy and Ryker went upstairs to practice a play they wanted to perform for Me and Kefford. They came downstairs and set up the Family Room and when I saw their costumes it was pretty obvious what they were going to perform.

Kenedy narrated and in the beginning told us that the true meaning of christmas was not about santa claus and presents under the tree.

Rylee and Avynlea waiting to go on.

And then it began. Ryker acted out the Joseph part and the part of the inn keeper before Kefford told him that he would say the innkeeper parts.

Kenedy went behind the "stable" to have her baby and she put in a couple of grunts and groans before she came out with the baby and put him in his bed.

Avynlea and Rylee were a shepherd and a wise men respectively and both brought the baby Jesus gifts. A christmas book and toys I think!

Our little nativity!

Avynlea wanted a turn being Mary so off we went for a second showing. This time I did the innkeeper parts and I have to say I blew it out of the water! :0)

Also in this showing Joseph went behind the "stable" with Mary and helped her have the baby. I guess Kenedy is too independent to have needed help when it was her turn!

Another picture of the Nativity. I think Rylee was around her cousin Ally a little too much the day before. Ally is constantly walking around her house with only panties on (she just turned three) and so maybe Rylee was getting into the spirit of freedom!
After the performances Kenedy got up again and told us the true meaning of Christmas was that Jesus Christ was born and we needed to remember Him.

I love that my kids did this on their own. When I was growing up my family always acted the story out but there were more of us to fill the parts. I am glad that even though we are smaller my kids found a way to bring the spirit of Christ into our home!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Piano Recital

Kenedy and Ryker had their piano recital on Friday. They both did really good and we are all quite proud of their accomplishments.
First up was Ryker! Since this was his first year doing piano he didn't play a Christmas song but rather a song from one of his books.."Ode to Joy". I thought it was a good song to play at Christmas time. Apparently it wasn't enough for Ryker because he did ask his teacher if he could play more then one. Unfortunately for him he just played the one. He did really great and had the song memorized!

Kenedy played "My Favorite Things" from the Sound of Music. Again this wasn't really a Christmas song but Darcie, their teacher, said that while searching out music for the kids to play she came across this one and felt that Kenedy needed to play it. Kenedy was a little nervous about it when it was first given to her but she quickly adapted and it became a song she loves to play. She also did sooo good and has most of the song memorized.

I am so proud of my kids for what they are learning and I hope that they continue to love to learn and play the piano!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Where were you during the great flood of 2009?

So on Sunday I went to Young Women's and put my church bag and scripture bag against the wall close to where I would be teaching my beehives then I went and sat down in the middle of the YW room for opening exercises. Jessica came in and was telling me how she heard one of the other buildings was flooded and that the nursery bathroom in our building had flooded. I kinda laughed about that and picturing in my head the toilet flooding over said that I hope it wasn't Rylee who did it! HAHAHA. So we got through the song, the prayer, the theme, and were just getting into announcements when it happened..A big boom and then water spraying from the wall over everything. We all shrieked, jumped up and ran out of the room while Denise snuck around the back wall to close the door of the control panel that had bust open and now had water spraying from it. She managed to make it so the water was not spraying out at us only spraying out the side, so I went in and grabbed all the bags and books and supplies that were left in the way. The floor was quickly getting soaked and started to spread out into the halls. Then there were weird lights flashing, alarms were sounding and a pre-programed voice telling us to exit the building. I started to go into the gym so I could cut across to get Rylee from nursery but all of the priesthood men were still sitting in their seats so i backed out wondering what the heck am I supposed to do? I was a little panicky because I wanted to get my kids to make sure they were OK and to reassure them that all was fine. I have to admit that I was getting a little teary (never did I let the tears loose though!) because it was all so overwhelming what with the water and the alarms and the crazy voice that kept repeating to exit the building. SO I went around the hall and saw Avynlea standing out in the hall with her teacher and I took her. Then I walked back and saw Ryker standing by his classroom and grabbed him. Finally I saw the priesthood guys leaving and everybody was telling everyone else to go home, church was over for the day. So I sent Ryker and Avy with Kefford and I went to grab Rylee. Come to find out the nursery bathroom had flooded but not how I pictures it. Water started pouring in from the ceiling and through the lights...so scary. They got that under control and had the nursery kids sequestered into one little room. Poor kids were taken out and sent home right when they were starting to get ready for snack. There were many kids crying because they wanted to eat snack. We went outside and saw Kefford loading the other kids into the car, he also had Kenedy and so I put Rylee in, got in myself and then Kefford left to go help inside the church. Alarms were sounding off outside too it was all so crazy! We sat in the car waiting for quite awhile when I decided to go find Kefford to get the keys so I could take the kdis home. I saw Roger Tyler in the kitchen which is right next to the YW room and I asked him to get my keys from Kefford. While I was waiting I saw the kitchen totally flooded and I saw water pouring out of the brick by the YW room. I got my keys told Kefford he needed to get a ride home and i took the kids home.

While at home Ryker peeled all the potatoes for mashed potatoes (by himself!),

Kenedy baked a yummy cake (by herself!),

Avynlea watched a Felicity movie while Rylee fell asleep.
It was such a crazy church day but we were all lucky that it wasn't something worse. My church bags got soaked but my scriptures and books were just fine. Kefford said that a bunch of men stayed and/or came back to the church to help clean up. They got most of the water up and looking much better. I am still not aware of what exactly happened but this was one Sunday we will never forget!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

winner winner chicken dinner times 2!

After church on Sunday Ryker sat himself at the kitchen counter with glue, tin foil and some little paper cups. When he was all done he came upstairs to show me what he had made.

He made a trophy, isn't it clever? :0) And he told me the trophy was for me for making the BEST DINNERS! Yay me!

What a sweetheart and what a fun thing to do. You can be assured that I will be keeping that trophy for a very long time!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Rykers Music Program

Last week we went to the school for Rykers First Grade Music Program. Ryker was very excited to have us come and would keep checking to make sure we would all be there. Kenedy got to watch the program earlier in the day at school and she told us how great it was.

The program started about 15 minutes late and so Avynlea and i goofed around a little with the camera.

Finally it starts and there is Ryker looking oh so handsome searching out the crowds for his family. First he spots me and gives me a big hearty wave. Then I see him mouthing, "where is my Dad?" until he spots Kefford who was sitting right next to me, and gives him a big hearty wave.

The program was combined with the second graders, some songs they sang together, others they sang by grade.

Here is Ryker performing the Rudolph song. It was a really cute program, all of the songs had hand motions to go along with them and the kids performed really well. We were much entertained and were glad that we could go to see Ryker sing!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Ward Christmas Party

Our ward christmas party was a little different this year. We still had food, it was a yummy potato bar, and we still had Santa. We also had fun activities for the kiddos. What was different was this year our ward party was focused on service. We put together 12 gift boxes filled with breads and jams and goodies and decorations, so that they could be handed out to those families in need within our Ward boudaries. It was really a really neat idea and I am glad that we got to be apart of it.

They had a table set up so the kids could make and take little graham cracker gingerbread houses.

Ryker filled a little box with the 7 things of christmas poem which was then put in one of the bigger boxes.

Rylee and Kefford taking it all in.

Avynlea had a ball coloring.

Ryker doing more crafting.

We then got to see Santa. Rylee had to be forced onto his lap so I could get a picture. Then spent the entire time covering her face from him. That is what she does when she is nervous or embarrassed, she hides behind her hands..kinda cute!

Ryker jumped on no problem and told Santa what he wanted.

Same with Kenedy.

Avynlea was a surprise. I had to drag her away from coloring so that she could meet Santa. The entire time we were in line she kept saying she didn't want to do this. But I made her stay so we could get pictures.

Can you see how happy she looks in the above picture? :0)

Ever the model, as soon as she saw the camera she gave me a nice smile!

After Santa Rylee got to sit and color.

Ryker finally built his own graham cracker house. Here is a sad little story..He built a two story and while Kefford was carrying it out to the car and the entire ride home Ryker was so protective of his house and kept telling us to be careful with it. We got home and Ryker rushed to the front of the car to make sure it was all good. He was happy to find it still intact. He gave me a high five and smiling started to climb out one side of the car while I took his house and climbed out the other. As soon as I stepped out the top part of the house fell off and went crashing to the ground. I could see Rykers shoulders hunch and without even turning around he started to cry because he knew what happened. I felt so bad, but I took him inside and pulled out a box of graham crackers and a container of frosting so he could fix it. That made him happy and he proceeded to make it bigger, to make it badder, to make it awesome!
This party was a great way to start out the christmas season and I hope that our ward will do a service christmas party every year. It was really nice!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


A looong time ago when Kenedy was about 4 she wanted to be the wicked witch of the west for Halloween. SO I bought a pattern, bought accessories, and got a cheap black wig for her to wear. She then changed her mind, I was glad because the costume looked difficult, and went with being a butterfly. The other day I was looking through my material and found the long forgotten black wig. Of course us girls had to take it out and see what we would look like with long, snarly, black hair.





Not too shabby. I think we pulled the look off quite nicely.

Monday, December 7, 2009

cookie tasters

Kelly and Elaine Josi came over last friday so that Kelly could bake and decorate cookies with Avynlea and Rylee. She was really patient with them and let them help out with the rolling and cutting.

When it came time to decorate the cookies we gave the girls frosting and sprinkles and let them have at it. They were so fun to watch and really enjoyed themselves.

Look at the concentration on this girls face!

We made a gingerbread cookie but while it was still in the dough stage Rylee bit its head off! So I took it upon myself to decorate that one. :0)

We had so much fun decorating cookies and as you can see made some really pretty ones! :0) Thanks Kelly for the fun the girls really, really love you!