Thursday, June 13, 2019

Another Fun Swim Party!

Kenedy put up an "ask me a question" thing on Instagram and Rylee and Avynlea wanted to ask her one so they did. I am not too sure they liked her response. Ahhh sisterly fun.
Kenedy took a silks yoga class and sent me a picture of her hanging in the air. I am a little jealous of her class, it looks like a lot of fun and I wish I could try it out. 

 We were invited back to the Lamm's Thursday night so Kefford could watch game five in the Basketball playoffs and the kids could go swimming again. Rylee wanted to invite Serena to go with us and we ended up having Serena stay the night for Rylee's first sleepover with a friend. These two were really excited and they were not a problem at all. I didn't hear them once getting loud during the night and I am glad that Rylee had a lot of fun with her.
They were super nice and included Avynlea in all of their fun. I love that my girls are so kind to let their siblings share in their friend fun. It is always better to be inclusive! These three had a lot of fun swimming at the Lamm's pool and were in the water the entire night. They didn't even get out to get their food, I turned into their waitress/slave and got them their food and treats.

They were wanting to go down the slide all together but it looks like Rylee and Serena started down before Avynlea was completely ready and attached and left her behind.