Monday, July 30, 2012

Avynleas Authors Reading

Throughout Avynleas First grade year they worked on a dream book. I didn't really know anything about it except for the paper I helped her fill out for her about the Author part in the back of the book.
Luckily at the end of the year her class did an Authors reading so that we could help celebrate their hard work. First though the kids put on little fairy tale plays. Avynleas play was Goldilocks and she was the narrator.
Narrators wear big glasses didn't you know?!
Here she is with her Best Friend Makenzie.
A match made in Monkey Heaven I think!
And finally the reading. I was super impressed with the level of work that went into these "professional" books. All of the kids did a great job but of course Avynleas was the best!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Silly Rylee and one of Avy

On the weekend that we went to McCall Avynlea got sick and threw up in the car. Rylee did not apprecate the smell and so she found a clever way to take care of that problem.
She had the tissue in her nose for quite awhile until we told her the smell was gone.
Ryker went to a Mario themed birthday party and Rylee really enjoyed one of his party favors!
Keffor was washing Rylees hair for her in the bath while I was busy with something else and he did this granny bun to her hair that she really wanted to see, so I snapped a picture with my phone and she thought it was delightful!
These next pictures are pretty old. They came off my phone from about a year ago I think. I was watching my friend Lanas boy Drake and Rylee took a special liking to him.
He is a pretty cute boy but no more of this for a long time Miss Rylee!!
And here is a picture with Avynlea and her cute niece Tayvia!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Kefford is 36

There is not much to say about Keffords birthday, he likes it super lowkey and not any fanfare and so that is what he got, not a whole lot.
Ryker and I picked him out some candy bars.
And then he got the present he has been wanting for a while. For a couple of months Kefford kept saying he wished he had a deep fryer so that he could fry stuff. So the day after Mothers Day one had beenon sale and so I went and bought it for him. I waited till after Mothers Day because I really thought he was going to try to sneak one in as one of my gifts. Luckily he didn't and I bought it and wrapped it and had it hidden away for a month or so. He was happy with it and since then lots of delicious deep frying has been going on in this house!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Ryker always hates it whe he has to go to DancClass and wait while the girls Dance. It is two hours of pure torture for him. It was especially bad this time around becasue he was grounded from his DSI for some reason and did not even have that to occupy his time. Well while there he got in trouble for being a brat and I told him to go sit in teh corner. This was the corner he chose and it really made me laugh. More power to ya bud!
One morning Ryker was running around the house declaring he needed exercise. He ran for a little bit and then dropped down to do his situps. It kind of made me laugh. He really hasn't done it since, he must have thought that was all he needed to do to buff up!