Monday, June 17, 2019

Seattle: Road Tripping

A couple of months ago I decided that I wanted to go to Seattle in the summer to visit Joshua and his family. I made plans to go in June with Avynlea and Rylee and then Heather and Mom found out about it and decided to join our fun. They decided to fly to Seattle to visit with Josh and his family and then drive back to Meridian with us and stay in Idaho for another week and a half. 
I was nervous about the drive to Seattle because I haven't made the drive on my own but it wasn't too bad. We stopped once to have a bathroom break and we stopped once to get gas. The short little breaks helped break up the 7.5 hour drive and it wasn't too bad.

As we were driving over the bridge into Seattle Avynlea wanted to take some pictures of the scenery. Then she took a couple of pictures of herself and Rylee.
 When we arrived at Joshua's house Amos and Fredrick were sleeping and Mallory was at work so we  visited with Joshua until the boys woke up. While we waited we put together an "I spy" picture about Dinosaurs. Avy was a happy helper and held the light so we could try to have better lighting for the picture.
 When Amos woke up he was pretty happy to see us and he liked the fork lift tractor I brought for him. He wouldn't take it from me until I had it stuck in my shoe, he thought that was pretty funny and finally took the tractor to play with it. 
 He liked having his cool older cousins there to play with and had fun playing in the bean box with them.
 When the baby woke up we put on our shoes and walked over to the park to play for a while. This park has a little wooded area to play in but be careful going in with Amos, he doesn't ever want to come out. He also likes to travel the unbeaten path and make his own trails which made it a little hard to stay up with him.
 Avynlea took some nature photos which turned out lovely.
Amos loved having friends to play with him at the park and we all took turns running around with him. He really liked this sitting spot and enjoyed having Rylee right next to him.
We cannot get over the chubby cheeks baby Fredrick has, they are so big and squishy and just asking to be smooched!
 Such a cute happy baby!
 Avynlea got to give Fredrick his bottle at bedtime while Amos cuddled up to Rylee to drink his bedtime milk. 
We are super excited for Mom and Heather to come in the morning for more family fun in Seattle!