Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Womens Broadcast

For Activity Days, Avynleas group made edible Temples. I was having so much fun listening to her describe the different parts of her Temple and how creative she got with the different elements. Such a fun project!
Kefford snuck his hands into the picture so we had to take another one without the hands. :)

One night Kenedy tried to get Rylee to take some selfies with her. As you can see Rylee was not in the mood to participate. When Kenedy showed me these pictures I laughed so hard. Nothing about it is staged, Rylee really was ticked off at what Kenedy was trying to do.

I participated in a little Jamberry nails party my sister was doing online and I won one of the games! My prize was a sampling of their nail stickers and when the envelope arrived in the mail I thought it hilarious that I was given my sisters last name.
Last Saturday night was the General Womens Broadcast. I love going to this meeting and I absolutely love that I can take all three of my girls. Kenedy had a birthday party to go to that was starting right in the middle of the broadcast. She and another friend, Ashlyn, decided to go to the broadcast together and then Ashlyns mom would take them to the party after. I was super proud of Kenedy for showing she has her priorities in order. I took the girls to McDonalds for a quick dinner and then we dropped Kenedy off at Ashlyns before heading over to our Stake Building for the meeting. 

Rylee wanted pictures taken with me so she had Avy take the picture and then returned the favor by taking a picture of me and Avynlea.

I had told the girls to listen close so that when it was all done they could tell me what their favorite thing was they learned. That seemed to stress Rylee out and she went on and on about how she might forget. I told her it was not a big deal and at the end she said she loved one of the videos that they played. I mentioned to them the one thing that really stood out to me and they agreed that it was cool. After it was done I was looking on Instagram to see the quotes from the broadcast that I knew were already being posted and I found a paragraph posted from ldschurch that was exactly what I was talking to my girls about. I thought it was an amazing way to look at our trials and hardships and I really loved it!

After the meeting we got to eat some delicious little pies and one of the Ladies from the stake took our picture to post to their page on Facebook. I was happy to be able to get a copy of the picture. 
It was an amazing night and I loved all of the messages and talks given. I love being with my girls and I love the good examples they are to me!


Kefford and I went to a wedding reception for one of my former Young Women and this picture was taken of us. Not too shabby. Someone could try to look a little happier though ;)
We were watching a movie Sunday night and I loved the looks on Kefford and Rylees faces. They had the same expression and I thought it was so cute.
Avy and I had fun creating our own same expressions!
 So Fierce!

This picture makes it look like Rylee has one blue eye and one brown eye. She is such a cutie pie!

Rylee wanted my phone so she could take a picture of me and Avynlea. She had us smile and say cheese and then she started cracking up and I instantly knew what was going on. She was really taking a picture of herself. Funny, clever girl!
Sunday night we were walking home from visiting a couple in our ward when Avynlea and I saw some creepers across the street and down a ways from us. It was dusk and they were in the shadows and were wearing all black and just standing there watching us. It was really freaking me out but then Avynlea said "that's the Jonses" and I realized they were not creepers but a nice family from our ward, so we went over and started chatting. They had their microscope out and were watching the Lunar eclipse. They let us take a peak and it was so cool to see the moon with the Sun going over it. Later Kefford took out the gun scope and he and Kenedy shot some pictures with my phone using it. The moon was so beautiful that night.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Daughters of A Heavenly King

On Saturday Kefford took the girls to a Daddy/Daughter event that our Ward Primary was putting on. Because not all of the girls have Dads available to take them and they wanted everyone to feel included and not left out, they named the event "Daughters of A Heavenly King hike". Everyone was to meet at Avimor at 2:00 and since I was not there I had to rely on Kefford and the girls to tell me all about it when they got back. Kefford was good and took a couple of pictures for me. They saw a huge beehive that would have made me very nervous, they went hiking, made crowns, ate dinner, listened to some words of wisdom from speakers and even got to pet a horse. Their friends Dad is a Police Officer and works crazy hours so Kefford and the girls invited Sydney to go with them so she could participate also. 
They had a really great time together and I am glad the Primary put this fun event together for the Dads and Daughters. My girls love spending time with their Dad!

My sister-in-law decided to put her daughter in one of my dance classes. Jenna is the cutest and I am so glad she is taking dance with me!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Back to Ballet and Cheering in the Rain

These two girls have been taking a hip-hop and Jazz class for the past couple of years. This year Avynlea expressed a desire to take a ballet class. There were not any ballet classes they could take on Friday nights when I teach and so I signed them up for a Monday combo class. They will be learning ballet and jazz. I was a little excited for their class and the fact that I could actually sit with the Moms and not be a teacher while they danced. But then Kim asked me if I would assist with their class and I said I would. It is nice to be with my girls and I know they like having me in there with them. I am so excited for this year and to watch my girls doing ballet again. The last time they took a class together was quite a few years ago and it was a ballet class. They are the cutest!

Thursday Avynlea and I went to watch Kenedy cheering at the JV game against Kuna. It was a pretty crazy day weather wise with it being stormy throughout the day. I was fighting a cold and knew if the rain started while we were there we had to leave because I did not want to make my illness worse. Sure enough right after halftime the rain started coming down and we had to leave. I felt bad for being a fair weather friend but I have my health to think about. Also I was going to have to leave close to that time anyway because it was close to 8:00 and with Kefford being at a Sunday School regional meeting I had to get home to get kids to bed. I managed to take a few pictures of Kenedy cheering in the rain before we booked it out of there. She really is so fun to watch!

When we left at halftime the score was 6-28 Kuna. But when Kenedy came home she told us the final score was 54-36 Meridian! Wow, we really missed a fun game! Kenedy had a lot of fun cheering and said the rain was not too bad. What a beautiful trooper she is!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Weekend fun

Kefford bought a motorcycle from someone in the Ward who was selling. On Saturday he took me out for a ride and we drove around looking at properties and houses. The helmet made me feel a little claustraphobic but I knew I was better off wearing it so it could help me be more safe. It was a really nice day for a ride and we had a lot of fun. 

In an effort to make Sundays more meaningful we have really tried to make it a more family day by doing things together. The kids wanted to play a game of tennis on the Wii and since there could only be four players I opted to just watch. Kenedy spent the time taking a bath so it was not true entire family time but we all had a good time anyway. I liked watching Kefford, Avy, Ryker and Rylee play and they all had a good time. 

I did try to get a picture of Kenedy when she was done bathing so she would not feel left out but for some reason she did not want her picture taken. So weird, what happened to my selfie loving girl? Hahaha

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Random Fun

It was Learas Birthday and the past couple of years her birthday lunch was planned on a day that I teach dance. So I would go to lunch between classes and then rush out fast to go teach my last class. This year her birthday fell on a Sunday and the next day was Labor day. These genius ladies planned her birthday lunch on Monday so I could go and relax and take my time. I was able to stay and enjoy the company of some of my favorite people. One story I want to remember is Leara talking about something that happened to Judy. Judy has five sons and I would assume at least one of them was a bit rebellious when he was younger because as the story goes, Judy would go downstairs in the basement to water the plant one of her sons had growing in his room. What a sweet Mom to do this for him only to find out later it was a marajuana plant! That cracks me up thinking of sweet Judy unknowingly watering a drug plant. Oh how I love these Ladies!
L-R Elizabeth, Leara Leasure, Dianne Herrera, Rebecca, Cheryl Pierce, Christi Herrera, Judy Kinzel, Ellen Steiner and Hazel Stanger

I came in to find Ryker videoing a war with my phone. I let him continue with it for a little bit but then I needed my phone because I had to leave. Later Avynlea and I found the video he was taking and cracked up. He had a lot of fun making his little war until Mom had to come along and ruin it all by taking the phone.

Thursday night Meridian High JV had a game against Rocky at Rocky. I went to watch the game and my cheerleader. The girls got to use their poms at this game because the ones that did not have any from last year borrowed from Varsity. I tried to get some good pictures of Kenedy but because the visitors side at the Rocky field is in full on sun I could not get a clear shot. It was not fun sitting in the sun the entire game especially since I got to watch the Rocky fans sitting in their nice shaded seats. 

After the game the girls did some stunting. Some of the Varsity girls who came to watch were telling them they could not do that when their Coach was not there and they would get fined if caught. So of course I stressed about it all night long thinking of how much trouble Kenedy was going to get into if anyone found out. She does look good up there and has come a long way with her stunting! Hopefully we are in the clear and they will not do anymore illegal stunting.

Avynlea really wanted to take a Ballet class this year and since there are not any for her age on Friday nights when I teach I signed her and Rylee up for Monday night dance classes. No longer do they have to go on Friday nights this year. It was a little sad going to class by myself, but, since I was asked to help teach their Ballet and Jazz combo class this year on Monday as well I was fine having Fridays without them. They were especially excited to not have to go last night because their school had its annual carnival which they have always missed in the past due to it being on Friday nights. Kefford so graciously took them and they had a lot of fun. They got their faces painted really cute and made sand art necklaces.