Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Family Fun

Remember when we went to Nyssa for Keffords Grandparents 80th birthday party? Well we left after only an hour of being there and our kids were not happy. They were screaming and crying while in the car and saying they did not want to go home they wanted to stay and play with their cousins. Every single one of them threw a fit with the exception of Rylee, she was the golden child with the blue and orange face. :0)

I really tried to get a picture of my kids all crying because really they looked ridiculous. Kenedy kept her head down so that I could not get her picture...
But I got Ryker.. Muawhahahaha!

And I got Avynlea..man they were really going at it.

But Kenedy would not look up to show me her crying face, I promise you she was just as bad as the others!

After about 10 minutes of the screaming fits we put in a movie..

That cheered them up really quick!
Thank Heavens for modern technology, made the ride home a lot more peaceful! :0)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Acheivement Days Play!

Kenedy's Achievement days group were planning on putting on a play for the parents. They were going to have a couple of rehearsals and then were going to perform. The only problem was the performance was going to fall on the week that we were going to be in McCall. The first day of rehearsals Before i dropped Kenedy off I told her not to accept any parts sense we were going to be gone. She said OK and off she went. What a surprise to have Kenedy come home and show me a piece of paper with a part on it for her. I said "um remember you were not to take a part sense we will not be here". the kid suddenly had a complete meltdown. She started crying and yelling that she did not want to go to McCall, that she wanted to stay and do the play. Holy cow the girl was out of control. To be fair she was very tired because she did not get to bed until 11 the night before because she was doing a late night at a friends house. So while I kind of understood I did not appreciate the drama. She eventually calmed down and we were able to talk about it.
I told her that I would come to the last rehearsal and watch her perform so that even though she could not do the actual performing in front of all the parents at least I would be able to watch her.

Rylee was with me and she made me take a picture of her. She is such a diva! :0)

Of course this was when my camera was not working and so all of the pictures were blurry. That is so frustrating.

Kenedy played the part of a cheerleader and she was really cute along with the other cheerleaders.
I don't exactly remember what the play was about but I do remember that it was cute and that Kenedy did a really good job! I am glad that I was able to go and watch.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Babysitting Brooke

Last week we got to Babysit my cute little niece Brooke so that her parents could go to the temple. She got a little nervous when her Mom left and started to cry. After about 5 minutes of her sitting on my lap crying I took her into the computer room with me so that I could go online. As soon as I sat down in front of the computer she stopped crying and was happy. That made me laugh that the computer was her comfort, she must get it from her Dad! :0)

Don't ya just love those cheeks. When Kefford came home he tried to pick her up but she didn't like that and got really clingy with me, she would not let me set her down. At least she didn't start crying again.

The kids enjoyed having her around to play with.

Kenedy was really happy that Brooke would let her hold her.
Brooke is welcome back anytime, we sure do love her!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Avynlea's pictures

About a month ago Avynlea got the assignment from school to make a poster board showing things related to just one of her five senses. We talked about it and I gave her some ideas and she picked which sense she wanted to show. So one sunny afternoon I gave her my camera and we headed out to take pictures. See if you can guess which sense she chose.

A beautiful Flower

Green Grass

A Tree

Halloween Decorations


Boise State Mailbox

A Sassy Mom :0)

Random Dirty Car (not ours :0)


Sewing Supplies

Living room

Did you guess the sense of sight? If you did you were right :0). I had fun helping Avynlea with this project and it was fun to see the things that interest her and to see the pictures taken from her level!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Carving pumpkins

My cute and sassy new camera was not working right and when I tried to take pictures of us all carving the pumpkins I had a hard time getting a shot that was not blurry. Thankfully we have since sent it in for repairs and got it back so it is now back to its tiptop shape. Unfortunately these pictures are still blurry. Sorry but they will have to do.

I do enjoy the way Avy looks in this picture. It's a cool action shot!

So not all of the pictures were too bad but I was pretty frustrated by this point and I never got any shots of the finished products. Oh well there is always next year!
I had to take one last shot of my four kids. They are so cute, I sure do love them!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

More Halloween Pictures

I found these Halloween pictures I had taken at the ward Trunk-or-Treat. Forgot all about them. :0)

My cute little Ballerina and Sassy Cowgirl!

Rylan is a friend of Avynleas and his Mom and I thought it was cute to see them dressed kind of the same.

And a picture of Kenedy with her best friends Hannah Blackburn and Natalia Giauque.
Cute girls!

McCall Fun!

We got up to McCall on Monday and the rest of Keffords family all came up on Wed. So we had two days of family fun togetherness! One of the fun things we like to do while in McCall is go swimming at the timeshare condos clubhouse. Unfortunately the pool was being repaired but luckily the Holiday Inn hotel let us come to their pool and swim. It was a big score for us because the pool and hot tub were bigger, warmer and a lot nicer. my kids really enjoyed playing in the pool with each other.

Avynlea and Rylee really liked playing and staying in the hot tub. Unfortunately I did not get any pictures of Ryker and Kenedy swimming. I am not sure why..bad, bad Mom!

Kefford and I opted out of swimming and Kefford instead chose to listen to his Ipod.
As much fun as it was playing with each other we were all really excited when all of the cousins arrived! Swimming every day was a favored activity and we really took advantage of the water.

I was really impressed with my kids and how comfortable they got in the water as more time went on. They had so much fun splashing around and jumping off the sides.

Brit and I had gone to work out that morning and because we showered after our workout did not really feel up to ruining that by getting in the water. Alison took this group shot of all the swimmers. I would like it to be known that the next day I did get in the water so I could play with my kids and while I was carrying her around in the pool Rylee told me that she loves me swimming with her. So, so sweet!

After swimming we went over to Bob and Alison's condo to hang out and play some more. The kids really enjoyed the balcony and kept peeping over to say Hi to everyone. Kefford took it a step further by dangling Rylee over the edge. What daredevils.

Alison baked cupcakes and had all of her Granddaughters frost and decorate them. They really liked doing that especially the licking of the icing and the eating of the sprinkles! Yummy!

Asher was much loved by the little girls and was pretty good natured about them loving on him.

Dancing was a fun activity of choice also. These girls have some pretty sweet moves!

I had lots of fun coloring, talking and laughing with the big girls!
We had a great vacation and look forward to many more years to come of this annual trip!