Saturday, April 25, 2020

Week 6 in Quarantine (Zoom dancing, Ryker with his cousins, Cheer Mom Besties hangout, Deep waver)

Sunday again, still in a stay at home order and still doing Home centered church. We took a picture and then Kefford took some video so he could get some funny screenshots.
Rylee was in charge of the program and she has high aspirations for herself and for her future in the church. She makes me laugh :)

Roens Mom sent me a video of Roen dancing to my videos and I thought the message she sent with it was so sweet. I love this girl and miss her a lot.

For The Dance Connection video our theme was Rainbows and Unicorns and we sent a unicorn crown printable for the kids to cut out, color and wear while dancing along to our videos. I wanted to wear one while I taught the class because I thought it would be fun and it was. I was a pretty unicorn princess :)
We do a Unicorn story dance where we are the prinecesses and we have to rescue our unicorns from the evil magician. I don't have a unicorn so I had my teddy bear be a stand in and I made him his own unicorn headband. So cute!
Ryker went to the farm this week to work and to also fish with his Grandpa and ride his dirt bike around. Whitney sent me these pictures of him with her girls and I loved it. I am so glad my kids are so good to their little cousins and I am so happy their little cousins love to be around them and look up to them. What special bonds they are forming!
Maddie, Sadie, Ryker and Kinsley
Kinsley and Ryker

My Cheer Mom Besties and I have been missing hanging out with each other so on Saturday we went to the High School and sat in camp chairs and in the backs of our SUV's so we could visit with each other while maintaining social distancing. We sat and talked and laughed for two and a half hours and it was the best time. I love these ladies and am so happy to call them my friends. 
When it was time for us to head out Carrie had us cover our hands and we had to stand in a circle holding hands while she said a prayer. It was different and unexpected and a little awkward but it was nice and good at the same time. :)
Elizabeth, Carrie, Diana and Amy

Way back in December Avynlea asked me for some ideas for things I want for Christmas. She said that Kefford was fishing around and wanted some ideas. At the time the only thing I could think of was a deep waver for my hair so I told her about it and even showed her a picture and told her where to get it. It had been sitting in my "want" list on Amazon for a while and I was ready to have it. Come Christmas day and I didn't get my deep waver. I didn't even think about it until later but when I did I asked Kefford why he didn't get it for me and he said he was never told about it, Avynlea done dropped the ball. About a month ago I decided I was just going to get it for myself off of Amazon but it was not available any longer, I was so bummed out. On Monday I looked again and it was available and I ordered it, I was tired of waiting and I didn't want it to disappear again so I grabbed it. Avynlea has a three barrel waver and she has waved my hair for me a couple of times. After washing my hair on Saturday I asked Avynlea if she wanted to wave my hair for me using my deep waver and she was game! It turned out so pretty, I love how full it makes my hair look and the waves are super defined. I got a winner!

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Week 5 in Quarantine (Easter, Family zoom chat, Dance texts, Drive by Birthday for Natalie, Crazy Avynlea and Rylee

Easter Sunday.
I filled baskets for Kefford and the kids and had them set out after everyone went to bed. Kefford took his basket into his room in the morning before the kids got up. I think he felt bad that I didn't have a basket but I am ok. I bought myself a couple shirts and a bathing suit and that is what I consider to be a good Easter present to myself. 
Rylee wanted us to hide the Easter eggs she filled so she could have fun hunting for them with her siblings. Kefford decided to play a trick on them and he took a bunch of empty ones and just placed them in  pile in the backyard. He wanted the kids to think we were too lazy to actually hide the eggs and it worked! Ryker went out there to move them and was surprised to figure out they were empty, hahaha, such trickery!
All of the kids got a new top in their Easter baskets along with some other small trinkets. Ryker got a new tie and I also got them each their favorite candy.They were all quite happy with their gifts and were each very thankful.

Kefford decided to make himself look shorter in our family picture which made Ryker look so tall in comparison. RYker is pretty tall, I think he is 6"1 but with Kefford shrinking down it made him look even taller.
After our at home church service Kenedy, Rylee and Kefford decorated our Easter Bunny cake. Kenedy did the frosting and assed sprinkles with RYlee and then we let Kefford do the face. I thought Fur-bert turned out pretty cute. 

After the cake was decorated the kids got to do the egg hunt. It was pretty chilly out there so they found their eggs really fast and then high tailed it back inside.

They all put on their new shirts and they all looked really nice in them. Kenedy and Avynlea got matching ones and you can't see Rylee and Ryker very well because they are wearing sweaters but they looked good.
We gave Bonnie the Bunny his Easter treat which was to come inside for five minutes and take pictures with the kids. I think he enjoyed his yearly visit.
We tried putting him in an Easter basket and while he didn't mind it too much he also didn't love it or want to stay in it.

I got to video chat with my family which was a lot of fun and a lot of laughs.
Then we had the kids video chat with their Grandma Alison and we also video chatted with Mikell and her kids and then my Mom. I got a picture of them chatting with Alison. 
Avynlea's cheer bestie Natalie turned 15 and we heart attacked her door and left a pink themed basket of gifts for her. 
Later a bunch of her friends did a birthday drive by for her and we couldn't contain the girls in the car. They got out and we had them pose around Natalie's birthday sign. It was good for these girls to see each other for a bit and it was so nice for us Mom's to see them and each other. This quarantine stinks.
bottom pic
laying down: Avynlea, Paige, Dreya and Hailey
standing: Hope and Natalie

Another one of my dance Moms sent a picture of her girls dancing to my videos. Cora had her sisters dancing with her anti was so fun to see all of them. I have taught each of these girls in dance at some point and I am so glad that they were all enjoying my videos
l-r: Tenley, Cora and Mia

Rylee playing around with my phone and settings
While I was gone teaching dance one morning Rylee and Avynlea made cake pops, ice-cream in a baggie and lemonade popsicles. They hd a lot of fun being creative in the kitchen and made some really delicious treats.
Avynlea took these pictures with my phone and when I asked her why she said "just for fun"

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Week 4 in Quarantine (Zoom dancing at the studio, FHE, Bonnie, Family yoga, Mask making, Zoom dancing at home, Rylee prepares for easter, Family shooting and Easter egg dyeing)

We made it to general conference weekend! Bad news, still in quarantine but good news we get to watch conference! We have a stay at home order from the Governor and so it was a bummer we couldn't go out to the farm for conference. But we are here together and that is better then being alone...sometimes, hahaha.
The cool thing about Conference this year is after the Sunday morning session we had a solemn assembly. It was the first one ever being done on TV like this and it was so neat being able to be in our homes for it. I had the handkerchiefs we used at the Meridian Temple dedication and I was so happy to pull them out again. We dressed up for the Sunday morning session because of the solemn assemble, we felt it would be more appropriate and respectful given the nature of the event. But for the rest of conference we were in our comfy clothes and I took our family picture after the last session.
President Nelson announced that we were going to have another fast on Good Friday, the Friday before Easter Sunday, to help stop the spread of the Corona Virus and to get our lives back to normal. He invited all faiths to join us in this fast and although I do not enjoy fasting I was ok to fast again. At first I thought he was going to announce a policy change that Fast Sunday was going to be every week, that scared me, hahaha. But I can participate in this fast, hopefully it will be beneficial of the world.
I am continuing with the zoom video dance classes and this week it was fun to see more kids participate. 
The one good thing that I can say about this quarantine is it brought me my friend Stephanie. We never would have gotten to know each other if we didn't have to do these online classes and it has been so great to get to know her. Every time we talk we find more and more that we have in common. In addition to doing our zoom videos we also started filming our youtube dance classes together and that has been so much fun! 
After dance class I took Kate Priddy's costumes over to her house to leave on her porch for her. Kate painted me a picture and her left it on the porch so that I could get it when I stoped by. It made me so happy, I really love my little dancers!
For family home evening we had the kids share with us their favorite parts of conference. I loved watching them read from their notes and sharing all that they learned and loved. It was awesome!
Rylee took a picture of Bonnie the Bunny to send to her friends. He is a cute little bunny!
Ashleigh initiated a family yoga session and Tuesday night was our first one. It was a lot of fun to do it with my girls at home and also with my family online. 
After the yoga we sat around and visited for a couple of minutes and Joshua and Mallory announced they were having a baby girl. They told us they were pregnant when we were all together in Utah and it is so exciting now to find out they are getting a girl. I am so excited to see those two little boys with a baby sister, so fun!
The government announced that we should start wearing masks while we are out and about, its not mandatory just recommended. I have been seeing a lot of mask tutorials online and thought I would try my hand at making them. I made it out of the extra Little Mermaid fabric I had and it turned out so cute. I wore it once while I went to the Albertsons to get some things and it was really hard to wear. It made me feel like I couldn't breathe and a little claustrophobic, I was also embarrassed to be wearing it. Oh well, hopefully this will end soon.
I was videoing dances for The Dance Connection and I accidentally pushed camera instead of record so I got a picture. I kept it because I thought it was a good picture :)
Clementine's Mom sent me a picture of her dancing to one of my and Stephanie's videos and it made me so happy. I am so glad that a lot of my dancers are utilizing my videos.
I wasn't planning on doing an egg hunt this year for Easter but Rylee really wanted one so she had Kefford take her to the store to get some candy. When they got back she got out the eggs we had and filled them with the candy. She is so cute and I love that she was wanting and willing to do this little project herself. 
On Friday Kefford took Rylee, Avynlea and Ryker out to shoot guns and so Ryker could ride his dirt bike. I am pretty sure they had fun being out in nature doing cool things.

Kyah's Mom sent me pictures of her following along to my videos and once again it made my day! I have been delivering costumes to my dancers houses so they could have them and one morning I took Kyah's over to her house. I left them on the porch, rang the doorbell and then backed up so I was on the sidewalk. When they came to the door Kyah was so excited to se me, she started to run out to me to give me a hug but her Mom and I both said she couldn't, ohhh it made me so sad. I loved being able to see her and visit with her for a couple of minutes.
Saturday Avynlea and Rylee dyed Easter eggs. Nobody else seemed to want to do it and they both got to Dye a lot of eggs. They had a lot of fun being creative and I enjoyed watching them and seeing their end results.
I am not sure what was happening in this picture or who even took it but it makes me happy. I love the time  can be with my family playing games and having fun. Those times are my favorite!