Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Seattle: Temple and Pikes Place

I had Avynlea and Rylee pack their Temple Recommends so we could go to the Seattle Temple while we were visiting Joshua. We went in the morning while Fredrick was taking his morning nap, it was just me, Avynlea and Rylee that went. When we got to the Temple the guys at the front desk had us wait in the waiting room while they called down to the Baptistry to let them know we were there. Someone came up to get us and we went down with him where our recommends were scanned, and then a sweet temple worker lady took us to get the girls clothing and showed us where the locker room was. We were the only ones in the Baptistry and it was really nice and peaceful. Rylee did her Baptisms first and after she was done she got out and they had her sit in a chair right by the font to do the confirmations. After she was done it was Avynlea's turn and they repeated the same process. By the time the girls were done showering and changed they had their names ready and we were good to go. I love being at the Temple with my girls and am so happy that they have the opportunities to go so often and that they enjoy going.
We walked around the Temple grounds for a bit so we could take pictures and Avynlea took some pictures of all the beautiful flowers and plants.

When we got back, after Fredrick woke up, we took the bus to go to Pike's Place Market. Bus 27 goes by the Lutes house multiple times a day to pick up and drop off passengers at the bus stop that is across the street from them. Amos loves the bus and announces it every time he sees it drive by, so he was pretty excited to take a bus ride with us this day.
 The bus didn't take us right to the market we had to walk a couple of blocks from where we got off at the bus stop. Avynlea liked this really tall building that she saw and took a picture of it. 
First item of business was to get a doughnut. One of the stands at Pike Place sells really big doughnuts some of them the size of your face. We bought some of those and then Joshua also bought a bag of mini doughnuts to share. So yum! 
 There were a lot of beautiful flowers for sale at the market, the peonies were especially really pretty! Avynlea made sure to take pictures of the flowers as well as this funny fish at the fish stand. When we went by the fish stand we were able to see some of the flying fish which was fun. When someone wants to purchase a fish the worker takes the one they want to buy and throws it to another guy to wrap it up so they can take it. 
 After walking through the market we sat outside to enjoy the sun and the view.

 Avynlea wanted to put gum on the gross chewed gum wall so Joshua, Rylee and I went with her to do it. Rylee was too disgusted and would not turn the corner to even see the Ally but Avy and I went down and put our gum on the wall.
 Once that was done it was back to the bus stop to board Bus 27 to go back to the Lutes home.