Sunday, June 3, 2012

Those sneaky Leprechauns

Our Saint Patricks day was a pretty fun day this year. We woke up in the morning to find that the sneaky Leprechauns took it a step further with their tricks. Of course our house was messed up and of course they left some green tinkle in our toilet. But this year they left a box of Lucky Charms in addition to the chocolate gold coins and just look what was left on our toilet seat...
hehehe little green feet! What a cute and clever Leprechaun ;o)
We also found that our milk was dyed green
Kefford was not the most thrilled with green milk but he played along and didn't complain.
Rylee ate her yummy Lucky Charms in green milk!
For dinner we had green mashed potatoes, green juice, green rolls and corned beef. It was delicious and made out St. Pattys day extra fun!