Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Mixed Tape Tour

Tuesday I had just gotten off the phone with Heather when I got a text from Jessica asking if I had anything going on that night. I replied no and then she asked if I wanted to go to a New Kids On the Block concert with her and some other girls from the ward. I was in the car with Kefford and when I mentioned it to him he encouraged me to go so I said yes. I then had an hour to get home and get ready before I was to be picked up for this concert. I put on my overalls with my rainbow tee underneath and my pink converse and then I put my hair in a high pony and I was feeling pretty 80's without being too costumer and was ready to go. Jessica had bought cheap choker necklaces for us all so when I got picked up I got one of those to put on. Jessica, Katie, Emily and Lisa were the other ones going to the concert. Kim was going to go but had to back out and it was her ticket that I took. I am ok with not being asked initially because I probably would have talked myself out of going, being asked last minute meant I didn't have too much time to think about it.
It was a fun concert with all the 80's bands we knew and loved. I did not know a lot of the songs but I did recognize a good amount which was fun to sing along to. My favorite was "I think we're alone now" by Tiffany. I remember loving that song in elementary school and it was fun to see her perform it in concert.

Elizabeth, Emily Walker, Jessica Lewis, Katie Givens and Lisa Elder
I had a great time rocking out with these girls and am glad that I was asked to go and was included.