Saturday, September 26, 2020

Quarantine Week 28: Stuffie making, Fall Porch, Science experiments, Kenedy goes hiking)


Rylee wanted to make something for her new Cousin Leona and found a pattern for a cute Lamb Stuffie. I talked her into using the fox material for the Lamb's shirt because i thought it would be really funny and I knew Joshua and Mallory would appreciate the irony. Her little Lamb turned out so cute and she is pretty excited to give it to them when they come in November.

Kyle and Nicole Lyons invited us to come over Sunday night for treats and games. Nicole is pregnant with their first baby, a little girl, and I thought it would be fun to make a stuffy for them. Since Avynlea is in Kyle's seminary class I asked her if she wanted to make it. She did and picked the bunny but she wanted to make it a Ballerina Bunny. With some tweaks to the pattern and creative sewing she made the cutest little Ballerina Bunny and Kyle and Nicole loved it! 
I wanted to give my front porch a new look for Fall and winter so I bought a rug off amazon which gave it a nice different feel. I put out my fall wreath and all our pumpkins and the porch looks awesome. I have been getting lots of compliments on it which is also fun and rewarding

Avynlea needed to do a science experiment and Heather gave her an idea which involved soaking eggs in vinegar to breakdown the peel making it easier to take the outside peel off and leave the membrane. Leaving the membrane intact would make it easy to do her experiment and see the results. Unfortunately she could not master the art of getting the peel off and the eggs kept tearing so she called Heather and got a different experiment which was lots easier. She had me sit in a specific spot and she would spray a perfume and time how long it would take to get to me. She did three different sprays and we had to use two fans and open all the windows to clear out the smell between each one. This was a more successful experiment for her.

Kenedy went hiking with her friends on Saturday and sent me some fun pictures from their adventures. She said she really didn't want to go but didn't want to miss out either so she ended up going and had a lot of fun and was glad she went.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Quarantine Week 27 (Rylee's volleyball game, First day of in school for everyone, Ryker starts at Panda Express, Warriors beat the Mavericks!)

On Monday I got to go watch Rylee in another volleyball match, this time I took some pictures. I liked watching her lead her team in warmups and then giving advice and encouragement, she is pretty awesome!
Rylee once again had amazing serves and it was fun watching her hitting that ball over and over across the net. Rylee's team is mostly 7th graders who have not played before and so they are not the best but they try and every time they play they are getting better. It is great that Rylee is able to help lead her team and give them tips that she has learned from being a second year player.

On Tuesday Ryker, Avynlea and Rylee finally got to go to school to attend class. We are in the yellow now so they are able to go to school every other day with the off days being remote learning at home. Because they are team 2 this week they will be in school Tuesday and Thursday and the next week will be in school Monday, Wednesday and Friday. As long as we are in the yellow they will alternate days. We did more official back to school pictures and it is a little different of a scene because I have our Fall decorations out on the porch when normally it would still be summer. The kids had a great day back at school finally after 6 months of being home and I had one of the most blissful days I have had in a long time. I was able to tidy the house and have it stay that way all day, I got caught up on laundry and bills, I was able to read for a bit and I just enjoyed the silence. I love being with my kids but at this point we all need the break that comes with going back to school.

In Rexburg Kenedy started school but her classes are also on a weird hybrid of a schedule. Because the classes are so big they have to alternate remote and in school between different groupings, whatever we can do to make it work and keep life moving along I guess. On the day that Kenedy finally got to go in person she took her back to school pictures and sent them to me. Yay for tradition and yay for being back in school!
Ryker had a good job the last month of summer working full time for Home Guard where they go and do mold and disaster cleanup. He made really good money but once he started school he had to quit because he couldn't work full time anymore. He wanted an after school job and got one working around the corner at Panda Express. He was hired as a cook and dishwasher I believe. He is happy about it and eager to earn more money for his bank account.
Avynlea hs gotten more comfortable doing tumbling on the trampoline and has been running out there at odd times throughout the day to throw her back hand spring and try other different tricks. She sent me a picture of one of those times and I think it is a pretty cool picture. 
Friday was another Varsity game this time we played Mountain View. Mountain View is one of our rival schools and we have not won a game against them since 2007 so we were not expecting anything to be different this time around. Because of bad air quality the game was pushed back to start at 8:00, there was a chance the game could have been cancelled because of the bad air so I am glad it was just pushed back. Before the game I took some pictures of Avynlea and her friends. They wore the JV uniforms again but a halftime were allowed to put their Cheer sweatshirts on because it was pretty cold.
Avynlea and Ally
Avy on her Varsity box
Hope, Paige, Avynlea, Natalie and Dreya

This was such a fun game to be at, Warriors beat the Mavericks 42-26!! It was so exciting and not something most of us expected! Max Gwilliam a sophomore in our Ward got three interceptions during this game, he was on fire and it was so fun to watch! Avynlea loved cheering at this game and helping cheer her team on to Victory. We are now 3-0, Go Warriors!


Saturday, September 12, 2020

Quarantine Week 26 (Sunday pictures, Wahooz, First day of School, Rylee Volleyball game, Kenedy leaves for College and Avynlea Cheers


This Sunday was our last Sunday with Kenedy home for a while, she went to Nyssa Friday night but came home Saturday night so she could be with us for Sunday. We had a nice little church service and then we made sure to get some pictures together per tradition, kind of, sometimes, usually. We messed around for some of the pictures before we took some better ones and then we messed around a bit more. Some of us were in a silly mood.

Avynlea really wanted a family picture with everyone being more solemn and hands at their sides. Kenedy was done with pictures after the group one and I was distracted doing something else so I missed them. Kefford allowed himself one picture that Avynlea wanted and then had to do a fun jump.
I then tried to do a picture with Avynlea and I don't know if it worked out the way she wanted it to, I mean I tried.
For Christmas Alison and Bob gave our family a day pass to Wahooz again, we loved going last year and it was amazing so we were really excited to go again. Because of Covid and all the restrictions we were not able to go and use our passes for quite a while and then we forgot until I realized Kenedy was leaving and this was our only opportunity to use them! Luckily Monday was Labor Day and we decided to use our passes then. Kenedy had to work in the afternoon, Avynlea had cheer practice and Ryker made afternoon plans with his friends so it was going to be tricky trying to work it out. We decided to be there when it opened and we would do as much as we could. At 2 Kenedy went to work and then at 3 the rest of us left to take Avynlea to cheer practice and to take a break. Ryker went to Roaring Springs for a couple of hours to be with his friends and after cheer and work we all met back up to finish out the day.

We did the go-carts first because that line seems to get popular pretty quick and we did not want a long wait. After that we did mini golf and then we went inside to do all of those fun things.

The second time they did the go-carts I didn't want to do them so I took video while the rest of them went around and around again. I was more then ok to be the videographer for that go around, i just needed a break. 

Along with our passes we each got a $5 card for the arcade, I didn't care to use mine and so when the kids used up theirs I let them have what was on mine. I had more fun watching them then I would have do the games myself so it was a win win.
The third and final time we did the go-carts Kefford did me dirty and cut me off in a cheater way and caused me to stall and get stuck. I was not very happy with his actions, hence the mad face, hahaha.

We had a really great time and I am so glad we were able to fit it in with our busy schedules and that we got the gift in the first place. Making memories with my family is one of the best gifts we could ever receive!
Tuesday Ryker, Avynlea and Rylee started Remote school. The school district issued all of the kids computers and trying to get them logged into school and connected into their classes was a trial. Ryker finally gave up and used his own laptop, I tried getting Rylee logged in for two hours and then finally gave up and put her on my computer. Avynlea had no other options other then to use the school computer and was able to log in off and on throughout the day. It was not a good day and I had the kids smile for a back to school picture and then show me how they really feel. I think Ryker's picture is the most authentic for how we all really felt about the day.

I really wanted to get family pictures done before Kenedy left and I had scheduled a time with Lana a couple weeks previous but her Mom passed away that same week so of course we had to reschedule. Our schedules were pretty crazy and it was really hard trying to find a time to do it especially since Kenedy was leaving Saturday morning but we managed to find a half hour on Wednesday to squeeze a photo shoot in. We did it at the Linder Farms Sunflower fields and we had a lot of fun! Lana sent me a sneak peek of two pictures, one of Kenedy and one of Avynlea and I am super excited to see the rest!
Friday was Rylee's first volleyball game and I was able to go to watch her. This year Rylee is one of the co-captains on her volleyball team and it was fun to watch her lead her team. Her team is a mix of 8th and 7th grade girls same as last year and she told me previously that last year the 8th graders were not nice to the 7th graders. She did not like that and decided that she was going to change that and make sure to be really nice to the 7th graders this year. She has it completely right, I love that she is such a good leader and friend to all the girls, she ia such a great example how doing leadership right!
I loved watching Rylee play, she has improved so much especially in her serves. Last year she struggled with hitting th eball hard enough to get over the net and this year it is rare for her to not get it one the net. She is easily the best one on her team and I love seeing her confidence level go up. 
Later that evening I got to go watch Avynlea cheer at her second Varsity Football game. I was so excited to finally be able to go and watch her, parents are allowed to go now the we are in the yellow! I got there early to get a good seat and to save seats for Kefford and my cheer Mom besties, Amy and Diana. It was fun to finally be at a game and the Varsity boys won their second game in a row! We are now 2-0 and it is very exciting! Spectators had to wear masks while walking into and around the stadium but as long as we were seating we could take our masks off. Same with the cheerleaders they had to wear masks unless they were cheering but during halftime they had to put them on. I was ok with the rules, I was just happy to be able to finally go!
I love watching Avynlea cheer! Because some of the Varsity uniforms have not come in the girls wore the old JV uniforms from last year. It was fun to see Avynlea back into her old uniform again. 
At halftime we got a picture with the four cheer besties together. We were missing Hailey because she is on JV, Hopefully at Homecoming we can get one of all 5 of them.

Natalie, Dreya, Avynlea and Paige

At one point I noticed the crowd of High Schoolers outside the fence watching the game. It made me so sad that they couldn't be inside on the bleachers in the student section but I was glad to see that they were still there supporting their team the only way they could. After halftime Kara let the cheerleaders go over and lead the student crowd in the fan favorite "Teletubbies" cheer. I teared up a little watching them and whenever I watch the video I took I feel all the emotions. These kids just want to cheer on their team and it breaks my heart all that they are missing out on. I really pray that things get back to normal sooner rather then later and that kids can have a normal High School experience again.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Quarantine Week 25 (Sunday Drives and Walks, Blackberry Picking, Rylee and Friends and Avy's first Varsity Cheer)

All three of our girls went to stay in Nyssa for the weekend and that left just Ryker at home with Kefford and I. Kefford decided for church he wanted each of us to pick a talk to download onto our phone and then we went for a scenic drive while we listened to and discussed our talks. It was a nice and peaceful time and something different which can be good.
After lunch and afternoon naps we went for a walk around the neighborhood, it was a nice day and we had a good time on our walk.
The girls were supposed to be getting back sometime on Monday, I have been wanting to pick blackberries for a while but have never found the time to do it. I decided Monday morning I was going to go and pick blackberries on my own. As I was getting ready I was talking to Kefford about my plans and he suggested having Ryker go with me and we were drop Kefford off at work, pick out berries and then pick him up when we were done. We woke Ryker up and we were on our way, it was a cooler day which was one of the reasons I picked that day and picking the berries in the morning was a nice time. We spent about 2 hours out there, me listening to podcasts and Ryker listening to his music and we picked 7 containers full, I filled 4.75 and Ryker filled 2.25,  with 15 pounds total of Blackberries,.

As we were waiting to check out and pay I noticed the boxes of nectarines that they were selling and was amazed at how big the fruits were. Easily as big or bigger then my palm, the biggest nectarines I have seen!
Rylee has enjoyed spending time with her friends this last week before school finally starts,  I am so glad that Rylee has found good friends that she enjoys being with and that help give her a little bit of a social life. Tayci and Rylee are on the left and Rylee and Ella are on the right, they are really cute girls and are a lot of fun!.

Friday night was the first football game of the season and Avynlea's first time cheering as a Varsity cheerleader. On Thursday they had their cheerleader Christmas where they got a lot of their clothing, poms and megaphone, it was exciting and a lot of fun for the girls. They have not been able to get uniforms for all of the girls so for their first game they wore their 2020 tank and spankies, they also had to have a highland bun in their hair and they were getting their bows at the house where they were all getting ready together. I did a braid up the back for Avynlea's hair to help keep her hair contained and then did the bun before I dropped her off at Maya's house where all the cheerleaders were meeting to get ready together. 
Earlier in the week the school board met together to discuss what to do about school sports. I listened to the meeting as it was streamed while I was doing my virtual barre class because I wanted to hear their decision, I was really worried that they were going to vote to cancel fall sports as long as we were in the red. Luckily they voted that kids are still able to compete but unluckily as long as we were in the red there was a decision made that there would be no spectators. I was really sad about that because that is one of my favorite Mom duties, to cheer my kids on, and I was not happy that I wasn't allowed to be there. I am trying to be positive about it and am trying to just be grateful that the kids are still looked to do sports, it could have been worse. Once we are in the yellow and kids go to hybrid school then they will allow parents to come and watch and so I am praying that that happens sooner rather then later.
Kara promised to take a lot of pictures and videos at the game for us and would post a bunch on Instagram throughout the game and I made Avynlea and her besties promise to take a lot of pictures for us Moms. So even though we couldn't be there I was able to receive lots of pictures. I did bootcamp with Andrew Brown that night and any time we took a break I was checking Instagram for updates and new pictures. It helped me get through our tough workout because it gave me something to look forward to in between our circuits, I just kept looking forward to being able to check my phone, it was a good reward :).
I took a couple of pictures of my beautiful cheerleader before I took her to where she needed to be, she really is a beauty and her beauty shines from within.
While at their team pre-game dinner and get ready event Avynlea got some pictures with her besties. They are such a fun group and such good girls. 
Avynlea and Natalie
Natalie, Paige, Landon, Luke, Avynlea and Andreya

Diana posted this on her Instagram stories and I thought it was such a sweet message for our favorite cheerleaders.
I love all of the pictures that Kara sent to us Mom's and am grateful that she understood our need to have her take pictures for us. Among all of the group shots, she took the time before the game to take individual pictures of each cheerleader. I love Avynlea's picture and think she looks so pretty and happy. They had four rows and Avynlea was in the second row on the far left. As I was looking at the Instagram pictures and videos I was able to pretty confidently pick out where she was, Ashleigh was following along on Instagram as well and was able to spot her position also, Avynlea is just easy for us to find. 

Warriors won their game against Centennial 21-6 and it was exciting for everyone, what a great stat to the season and hopefully those empty stands will be filled with fans soon!

Kefford and I were the only ones home Friday night so we went to the Boise Mall to pick up a gift I had ordered for my Secret Person and after we were done we bought SubWay sandwiches for dinner. I only ate half of mine and had put the other half in the fridge to eat the next day. After Avynlea came home from the game she was pretty famished and was searching for food. I gave her the rest of my sandwich and she was pretty happy to eat it. As she was eating I had her tell me all about her night and it was fun to hear and talk about it with her.