Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Kefford decided that his employees needed to have some fun together and so he rented a suite and took everyone to see the Idaho Stampede play some ball.
All I had, once again, was my cell phone so, once again, the pictures are no good. But I at least have some pictures. :0) Kefford and I were the first ones to show up to the game. The Idaho Stampede was playing the LA Defenders and that was kinda fun because in true LA fashion they were wearing purple and gold. If I squinted and daydreamed really hard I could even imagine that I was back in LA watching the Lakers play. :0) But, alas, it was not meant to be!

Here is a picture of the suite he rented. This hotel backs up to the arena and I thought that was pretty cool. You can go watch the game and when you get tired pull down the hide- a-bed and take a nap. :0)

Kefford got snacks and while this plate of nachos may not look that impressive in the picture but it was one stinkin big plate of nachos. By the time it came around I was so full I could barely even look at it.
We had a fun night and it was cool to hang out with Keffords crew and get to know them a little bit more.

pudding beard and eye crusties!

While we were out at the farm watching conference Rylee had a bit of fun eating chocolate pudding. I think her pudding beard is adorable!

Avynlea wanted me to take a picture of her with my phone. We did not pose this at all. I chose the add on and she posed and this was our perfectly matched result!

Remember when I said Rylee was waking up with nasty eye crusties? Well here she is one morning with her eye glued shut. Luckily her eye infection didn't last too long.
This is how she looked after I pried her eye open. Poor little baby!

Superhero Party!

Ryker finally got to go to his Superhero party. I did not tell him about it until the day of because I did not want to be pestered with annoying questions about when it was going to finally be the day. I played it smart. :0)
A fun little cutout to pose in.

Ryker wanted me to pose to. I think I look very authentic!

The boys were encouraged to dress as superheros and of all the superhero costumes we have Ryker chose to be a Jedi. He looked really cute and was the only Jedi in the room!

They decorated cookies and made superhero masks, those pictures I believe are stuck on my camera. They also made these fun bottle rockets.

Ryker had a blast and I had fun being with my boy!

Easter Sunday

Our camera is lame and has decided to break. So until Kefford caves in and buys me the camera I want, I have to use my phone to take pictures. Obviously they are not the best quality but they could be worse and I am just grateful that I have something that will take pictures.

These are pictures from Easter morning and I would like to apologize to Kenedy for not getting any pictures of her with her basket. She did not come down when all the other kids did. In face she took quite a long time to come down the stairs and by the time she graced us with her presence I was occupied else where and did not get her cute picture. I am sorry Kenedy I do love you!!
Rylee had a hard time figuring out how to open her Easter eggs. I found these cute farm eggs and butterfly/fairy eggs already filled with candy at Wal-Mart. They were simply adorable!

Avynlea examining her chocolate bunny.

Ryker got a bunny that "pooped" jelly beans. Ha ha ha it was to fun to resist!

Here is my traditional Easter bunny cake that I made to take out to the farm for dinner. I left off his cute little bow tie because it was giving me issues. I was really proud of this bunny until my sister sent a picture of her creation. Boooo it was better then mine. :0) But it gave me great ideas for next year!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Our Easter

Our Ward had its annual Easter Breakfast the week before Easter. I went hoping for a fun experience but not expecting much hoopla at all. Boy was I pleasantly surprised when I walked through the doors. The gym looked amazing and I could tell that a lot of hard work went into making everything look so great. I didn't have my camera so these are pictures off of my cell phone.
Rylee enjoyed playing with the plastic eggs that were placed on the tables for decorations.
Easter themed coloring sheets were on all the tables along with cups of crayons. It was a nice activity for the kids to indulge in. Usually they are so bored sitting at the table because we will not let them run around the church like it is a playground, so they don't usually have anything to do. They really liked coloring!

Look how cute the centerpiece is. Rylee is seen stealing the eggs so she could play with them.
Goofy Avynlea showing off her coloring sheet!
It was cold but that did not stop the kids from going on the Egg hunt. Rylee was cracking me up. She would grab an egg, open it and upon finding it empty put it back and rush to the next one. She repeated this process until I finally intervened with the truth. All of the eggs are empty. To make it easier and fair the eggs are put out empty and then once the kid is done finding eggs they turn them in for a bag of goodies. So once Rylee got enlightened, game on! Once she started putting eggs in her bucket as she would run to get another her bucket would bounce and all the eggs would fly out. The poor kid could not control her eggs! Despite it all she really had a lot of fun!
Rylee, Presly Berger and Avynlea
Rylees yummy bag of goodies!

Ryker and his bag of goodies. The candy inside was actually really good candy. No cheap stuff here!
And Avynleas bag of goodies.
Kenedy missed out because she went to Pocatello for the weekend with her grandma but we snagged a bag for her too.
Totally fun Easter Breakfast this year. They have a lot to live up to for next year!
Avynlea trying out her gummy teeth!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Say "Uncle"

My cousin Debbie has a blog where every monday she does a "memories of me, memory post". I think she has a jar and every week writes about the question that comes out of the jar. This week it was to write about her favorite Uncle. She wrote about my Dad and I thought it was such a great post and one that I want to keep for myself, so I stole it and am posting it here so I can have it forever. I appreciate her writing about my Dad and I really enjoyed reading about her memories of this great man! So just so we are clear this was written by my cousin Debbie and the pictures came from her blog also. Although I do have the picture of him drawing.

TODAY’S MEMORY JOGGER: “Talk about your favorite uncle.”

OK I hate it when I’m expected to choose one, out of a group of things or people, as my “favorite.” Who can pick their favorite from a basketful of adorable kittens? Each one has its little quirks and personality and one might have a crooked tail, or one especially cute ears or coloring. They’re all favorites, just for different reasons.
That’s how I’ve always felt about my uncles. I have two on my Mom’s side of the family, and three on my dad’s. I’d love to talk about each one of them (and eventually will) but for this post I’m going to write about the one I was closest to while I was growing up; my Uncle Jerry Lutes.
Uncle Jerry, or Fritz, as many people called him (though not us kids; we always called him Uncle Jerry) came into our lives when I was around 10 or so. He began dating my mom’s youngest sister, Bonnie, who at that time was in her 20’s and had recently graduated from BYU. (It’s weird to think how close in age Bonnie and I actually are – we’re probably only about 10 or 12 years apart!)
I first remember meeting Jerry Lutes at a family picnic. It may have been on the 4th of July around 1967. We were all at the park with Grandma Ware and Bonnie brought Jerry as her date. I liked him immediately. He was very friendly, and very playful. He played ball with us, and wrestled with us, and paid attention to each one of us kids in a very kind way. I liked that because often grown-ups ignored kids once the introductions were done, or said annoying things like “My, aren’t those freckles cute?” or asked pat questions like “What grade are you in, and do you like your teacher?” Like they were even interested in the answers!
And Uncle Jerry always treated me with respect, like a young lady, not a kid. I loved him for that, for sure!
So anyway, Bonnie and Jerry dated for quite some time. Then, as the story was told to me by my dad (who loves romance in all forms and told this story with great relish), Jerry asked Bonnie to marry him.
Bonnie was just not sure.
She asked for some time to think about it. A lot of time went by. Jerry got tired of waiting and moved somewhere far away (I think maybe Utah to attend BYU?).
Bonnie realized how much she missed him and wrote him a letter:
“I miss you. I love you. Marry me.”
I’m tellin’ ya, I remember this word for word. I thought it was SO romantic! Hey, I was at that age, remember? Ten or so? Give me a break!
Jerry came back and he and Bonnie got married. They lived in Utah for a time, then returned to California with their first baby, Stephanie. I sometimes babysat Stephanie which was always fun, she was a cute baby, and very happy and easy to take care of.
Over the years Jerry and Bonnie had 8 (yes, eight) more children, my cousins Jeremy, Erin, Elizabeth, Joshua, Emily, Ashleigh, Andrew, and Heather (not necessarily in birth order). With my other cousins in the Bisk family - Brian, Stacy, and Laurel - we had great fun gathering at my Gram Ware’s house for Easter Egg hunts, Christmas Eve parties, and Thanksgiving dinner, just to name a few.
Uncle Jerry was always there, and often in the thick of things with us kids. Like my dad, he was young-at-heart and joined in the games with as much enthusiasm as the youngest children. If Gram Ware organized us into baseball teams Jerry was the loudest cheering from the sidelines, or he’d coach third base where he’d urge us to steal home whether or not it was a good idea!
One of the things I loved about Uncle Jerry was his artistic abilities. I loved drawing, painting, and other types of art myself, and admired anyone with talent in those areas. And he had talent. He drew portraits, designed many of his kid’s birth announcements, and painted a series of lighthouses for a collection he called “Fingers of Light” for his Master of Arts exhibit at UC Fullerton (see photo at top of this post).
And, get this? For some years he worked at Disneyland! First, he did caricatures of people – how fun is that? And then! He worked in Gepetto’s Toy Shop on Disneyland’s Main Street where he drew Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters. These original drawings were then shrunk down to fit inside the face of a watch and sold in the store. Can you imagine? Truly, you couldn’t get any cooler.
{Uncle Jerry at work in Gepetto’s Toy Shop – Disneyland}
I just wish I’d had a chance to buy one of those watches. Not too long after he started that job Uncle Jerry died suddenly and very unexpectedly. It was a huge shock to us all.
My life is richer for having had him in it. I still miss him very much.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Where in the world is Andrew going for Heavens sake?

We have been waiting a long time for this moment. The opening of my little brothers mission call. It actually came in the mail early in the day but Andrew had to leave it alone until my sisters were home for work. Oh the torture! As the time got near Heather Skyped me and I got really excited to see where he was going. but wouldn't you know she was the only one home, Andrew and Mom went to pick up Ashleigh from work and then I think stopped at the store. That was fine cause it gave me and Heather time to visit and talk and giggle! :0)
Finally Andrew got home but then we had to wait some more for his Bishop to arrive.

So I spent more time talking with Heather and now Ashleigh.
Ok now everyone was here and it was time to open the call. Not all of the family could be there and so everyone was on the phone with someone else so everyone could at least hear. I was the lucky one to have Skype so at least I could see and hear and feel a little bit more like a part of things. I wish I had thought to take a picture while he was opening his call. Everyone had their phones up close to his face so that those on the line could hear what he said. It looked like a press conference!
and the mission call is....
El Salvador San Salvador West/ Belize Mission
Congratulations Elder Lutes!!!
I tried to get a picture of the call. If you squint and strain your eyes you might be able to see what it says. Taking pictures off a computer screen with a cell phone does not make the clearest pictures. :0)
happy, happy day!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

More about Rylee

This little girl seriously cracks me up! She is a joy, usually, to be around and we have lots of fun together. I have a couple more things my Rylee has said this last week that I do not want to forget. The pictures I have used in this post are random ones I have of Rylee that don't fit with any other postings.
Kefford and I were standing in the Living Room talking to each other when Rylee came in and laid herself down between us. She hugged my leg with one arm and Keffords leg with the other. She then said "You two are my two best friends!" Oh Rylee Lou you are such a sweetie!
I was at Costco with Rylee when she took off the hat she had on. her hair was looking so cute I had to take a picture. She would not smile for me but I love the way her face looks in this picture anyway...adorable!
The other thing she said which was so cute happened yesterday. I was in the bathroom putting on my make-up and Rylee was in there with me using the little bit of make-up she owns doing up her own face. After she finished she asked me if I liked her eyes. I told her of course and let her know how beautiful I think she is. I then asked her how I looked. She looked at me and then in this fairly sad voice said "better then me". Ahhhh what a sweetheart. I assured her that she was most definitely the prettier one.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Funny Rylee

Last night when I was brushing Rylees teeth getting her ready for bed, I noticed she had some eye goobers going on. So I pulled down her bottom eyelid and sure enough there was a nice long string of eye goobers just waiting to come out. So I got a washcloth and very gently cleaned them out. I put her to bed and then went to bed myself because I was sooo tired. The little stinker woke up crying at 11:00(Kefford went in to help her), 12:00 ( I went in to help her) and then again at 2:00 at which point she would not calm down so I pulled her into my room to sleep on the floor. She laid there for a while and then started crying again, Kefford had already left the room to sleep in Rykers bed. I thought he left because of Rylee but he told me today My coughing was annoying him. I have a weird cough that only really comes out at night. I, apparently sleep right through it, but it bugs Kefford so he leaves me so he can sleep. Anyway when Rylee started crying again I let her come into my bed to sleep, but first she had to go to the bathroom, UGH! I really just wanted to sleep and finally we went back to bed where we both fell asleep. In the morning I woke up and she was still asleep sprawled across my bed, as she breathed out she would make these little popping noises with her mouth, it was really cute. When the little darling wok up and came out I saw that she had one eye glued shut from serious nasty eye goobers and the other eye was pretty crusty. I talked her into letting me put a washcloth on her eye to help her eye open, she wouldn't let me touch the eye though to get out the crusties until much, much later in the day. Finally she was brave enough and I laid her down and got them off her eyelashes no problem. Hopefully this is a quick little illness but I am expecting more yucks tomorrow morning..oh joy. On the plus side this is my week for teaching preschool and since Rylee was sick I had to cancel todays class. I don't enjoy this teaching of preschool and so I am happy to be able to skip one of my days. :0) Bad Mom?

On a lighter note here are two cute little things my Rylee has done this past week that made me smile:

On Friday Rylee was in a really bad mood and at one point started throwing a serious tantrum. I was sitting on the couch trying to ignore her which is really hard to do because she is so loud. But she was running around screaming about who knows what and at one point she came over and picked up the pillow off the couch and threw it onto the floor. When she finally started to calm down, without me saying anything, she walked over to the pillow, picked it up and put it nicely back on the couch.

Today during Family Home Evening Kefford had the kids get up and one by one share their testimonies. They all did a really good job and then Rylee got up to do hers. As she was standing in front of us she got really shy and kind of just walked around and started tidying things up. I started talking her through her Testimony asking her "Do you believe Jesus loves you" to which she said "yes" so then I would tell her to say "I know Jesus loves me" then I would ask other questions and get her to say what she believes and knows. Throughout all of this she was wandering around tidying the room. After she was done and sitting down again Kenedy said "well at least we know that if we want the room cleaned we just need to have Rylee share her Testimony"!