Friday, September 10, 2010

Ramblings From My Head!

I want to add a new post I really do. I have been trying to add the newest pictures so that I can have at least something current but Blogger isn't letting me. I added the first five just fine but then when I tried adding the next five it tried and it looked and acted like it was loading but then all of a sudden the screen goes to that weird "you cannot display this web page" type of thing. I don't know what is going on and I don't like it. I don't like it not one bit! But apparently I do have ramblings going on in my head so I will just ramble through my fingers until I can get whatever is bugging my computer figured out.

Kenedy had her ISAT tests this week and I believe it was last week when she first brought the idea up but she heard that chewing mints while taking a test helped you perform better. I do not recall ever hearing this bit of information but what do I know? I wasn't the best student and I was definitely not the best test taker, maybe if I was chewing some mints while I was taking all of those test I might have done better. But really if I had studied better, or actually studied at all I might have done better. But perhaps the mints would have boosted my info staying power and I would have rocked those tests. I could have been a breakout genius if only I had known to chew mints. Oh man I feel so cheated! Anyway Kenedy rambled on about wanting me to buy the mints and at the time I had no idea what she was talking about and it quickly left my head. She brought it up again early in the week but it was at an inopportune time and i could not rush out to the store to get those for her. Plus I didn't know what test she was talking about or when it was so I figured there was time. I really need to listen better. She then said last night how bummed she was that she didn't have any mints during her test. oh man, failure! I totally failed my Mom duties and poor Kenedy will now also not be a breakout genius just like me. Dang it! On the bright side less breakout genius competition for me right? Hahaha

I have a facebook account which I kind of like because it has brought me back in touch with childhood friends and I think that is pretty cool. I have also found some guys that I had major crushed on at some point or another back in my single days. Most of them did not age well enough to my liking, it made me happy that I let Kefford talk me into marrying him because as we all can see, despite the bald head, Kefford is aging extremely well! When I first got the facebook account I would update my status and say silly things just so I could get people to leave comments. It made me feel cool when I got those fun comments. After a while I stopped writing those little updates because I felt like my privacy was being taken away. I was the one writing what I was writing but it just felt weird. I mean do people really care that I was so tired but still went to the gym this morning, or that I love my new hair color. I just didn't see a point to it so I stopped. I still look on facebook and I still read what my friends post and I comment sometimes if I feel like it. Usually what people post on their updates is just fine and fun to see but sometimes someone will get a little weird and post something that is a little TMI and that I do not like to see. But even though I do not update my status I still have lines running through my head of things that I should update about. Since I don't want to put it on facebook I might just have to have a mini facebook on my blog and put it all here. Your comments are the ones I love to have anyway!

I had a friend approach me about starting a little cupcake business type thing and I am not sure about it. It sounds like it could be good thing and in talking to Kefford about it he said that it doesn't have to be this huge thing, we start out small and then see how we feel about it and whether we want it to grow or not. I just don't know though, I am not a really great working type girl but my youngest will be starting school in two short years and then what? I know I will want to have something to fill my time and earning money would be helpful but to commit to something like this is kind of a big thing. I do really love cupcakes though. I mean I reeeeaaaaly LOVE cupcakes. I loved cupcakes way before they were the thing to do! Their is just something so effortless about grabbing a cupcake and eating it. No plates, no forks, no messy dishes or cutting, just a little cake in a little cup. Definitely something to think about and ponder. I think the two of us need to sit down together and really hash this idea out in order to make a decision.

I started dance classes again yesterday. This time I have a friend going with me and that makes it all the more fun! I hope that this year will be just as positive and fun as it was last year. My girls were supposed to start today, they have Friday classes this year, but we have a school carnival to go to plus we are leaving for McCall tonight. So the girls have to skip their first day of class. I am still trying to decide if it is worth putting Kenedy in class. I am fine with her doing it or not doing it I just don't want to hear the complaining every week if she does do it. Last year she complained every time we had to leave to take her to class, she didn't like taking the time to go. Once she got there it was all fine and fun but the getting their was the pain in her eyes. I need to really talk to her and see if this is what she really wants to do.

I have a lot going on these next couple of weeks but I am looking forward to going to McCall this weekend. McCall is a mountain town and Keffords parents own a house up there. It is a fun and relaxing get away and we all love it up there. We were supposed to go over memorial day weekend but it was right before that that Kefford tore his Achilles so we had to fore go our trip. We have not been able to go all summer because of Keffords injury and so we all have been looking forward to this trip for quite some time. It will be nice to have a few days of relaxation before I have to jump back into the craziness again.

I am really tired right now but I have so much I need to be doing right now and I don't want to. I just want to take a nap. The only thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that I can sleep in for the next four days and take a nap whenever I want to! Yeah! It always makes me laugh when people post on the computer about hoe much they have to do. Then quit wasting time on the computer ya crazy! Yeah that's me, so much to do and yet still sitting at the computer typing. Alright I will get busy, thanks for reading my ramblings!