Monday, September 20, 2010


I have dreams of hiring a professional organizer to come and help me organize my work/office/junk/anything room. Since professional organizers most likely do not come without a big price I appeal to friends and loved ones. Anybody out there willing to come and help with this huge undertaking? As long as you promise not to judge too harshly and are cheap then you will be hired! Seriously I cannot live like this much longer. The thing that keeps me going and that gives me some relief is this.. I will sometimes watch that TV show "Hoarders" and I seriously cannot believe that people live that way. It is not good. Thank heavens I do not have that problem. I am always more then willing to throw stuff out or give it away. I just don't know how to organize the remaining items to the best of the rooms ability and then keep it that organized. I think I have it organized but as soon as i need something everything else comes apart in my quest to find said item. It is a problem! A big one!