Wednesday, September 15, 2010

About Me Bag

The first couple of weeks of Kindergarten were spent getting to know each other and learning more about the other members of Avynlea's class. One of the ways her teacher, Miss Clements, did this was to send home a white paper bag with instructions to decorate it and then put three things in it that told something about them. What a fun project!

First thing was to get out the stamps and let Avynlea decorate to her hearts content. I think her bag looks pretty snazzy! Next came the three things.

Avynlea chose a seashell because she loves the beach,

a picture of a watermelon because watermelon is one of her favorite foods,

and last a comb because she loves to do her own hair.
I think Avynlea did a great job of picking things that told a little about her. He classmates are lucky kids to have her in class with them!