Saturday, October 3, 2015

Selfies and Skates

We got to get another American Girl doll from the Library! This time we got Isabelle! Rylee has been loving brushing her straight silky hair, it was the first thing she did on this morning of Scripture Study.

The kids all had thursday and Friday off from school and the girls came with me to the dance studio while I had my class. While I was busy dancing Avynlea had my phone and used up most of the battery taking selfies and who knows what else she was doing. She is so adorable!

Thirsday night Rylee had a birthday party to go to at the Nampa skating rink. I took her and waited  there the two hours for it to be over so I did not have to drive back and forth. Maryn"s Mom was there and so I was able to spend the time talking with her, I didn't even mind not being able to read the book I had stashed in my purse :)

Maryn, Rylee and Serena