Monday, October 12, 2015

Homecoming, Cross Country and Parent/Teacher Conferences oh my!

Last week was Homecoming week at the High School. Every day was a different theme day and because Kenedy is a cheerleader and required to show school spirit she had to dress to the theme each day. Luckily she was not required to wear anything too crazy. Monday was hat day, Tuesday was tie dye, Wednesday was twin day, Thursday was spirit day and Friday was lazy day. The only day I got a picture of her was on Wednesday for twin day, well and spirit day :). Kenedys friend, Connor, asked her to be his twin and I told her to take a picture of the two of them for me. I think they look pretty good in their Captain America Apparel. 
Thursday was Homecoming Game day which is why it was Spirit Day. The school had a big assembly in the morning that I wanted to go to because Kenedy was performing with the cheerleaders. I had Parent Teacher conferences during the time of the assembly and so on Monday when I was at the school doing volunteer I asked the girls teachers about changing our appointment times. They were happy to oblige and we found times that worked out perfectly. Because the girls did not have school on that day and Friday they got to go with me to the assembly.
When we got to the school the cheerleaders were practicing their stunts and after I saw Kenedy doing her stunt I motioned to her that she needed to be smiling. She made the motions that she was trying to focus but she started smiling more after that. I think it helped that she saw some friends in the crowds who were causing her to do more smiling. In this grouping of pictures you can see her focus face. The other two pictures were taken during the performance. I was recording the dance and didn't discover until the end that I can take pictures while recording.
They had a fun Quidditch match between some students and teachers, my friends son Trenton Hope was one of the students and I tried getting pictures for Lana but this was the best I could do. This match did not last long, the snitch was a student running around with a yellow hat and the teachers won by literally tacking the snitch and flattening him to the ground. It was pretty funny.
Kenedys best friend, Lauryn, performed with the dance team and it was fun watching her perform. I had not seen her dance prior to this and I was quite impressed. I was able to get some pictures for her Mom who could not be there do to her work schedule.
At the end of the assembly the kids all linked up to sing the alma mater. I love that Kenedy linked up with Lauryn. It was a fun assembly and I am glad we got to go.
At the football games every time a touchdown is scored the cheerleaders do a specific cheer. I don't know if it has a name but I have heard it so many times that I could sing it for you. I now need to learn the motions and then I can really make Kenedy mad by doing it with them in the bleachers. They were doing this cheer as everyone headed out to go back to classes and so I took some pictures of Kenedy. She is so pretty and I love watching her do her cheers. 
I had Rylees conference to go to next but we had a small window of time and so we stopped by the library for some books and movies to borrow. 
Rylee is an excellent student and has already reached 30% of her goal for Accelerated reading. I volunteer in her classroom every week and last week I saw they had what percentages they were at written up on the board. I was very happy to see that Rylee was at least 10 points above anyone else and has the highest percentage in her class. She is my little reader. Actually they are all my little readers and I love it! In the school hallway they have places for the kids to put their names after they reach certain percentages, Rylee had the 20% one up and I took a picture with her next to it. In talking about it she told me her wheel was up on the wall and I felt the need to explain that it was not a wheel, it was a record. Of course she did not know what that was so I had to explain what a record is, yes I feel old! In the conference Miss Hixon was showing me how Rylee did in her testings and in all categories tested, math, reading, science, she was way above average for 3rd graders. She is doing awesome. Also with reading she is reading at 170 words per minute and by the end of the year they are supposed to be reading 120 words per minute. Overachiever!
After the conference we made a last minute decision to go to Costco, I needed a few items, gas and we decided that Costco HotDogs for lunch was a perfect plan. We had to hurry a little bit because I had my dance class right after. After dance we went back to school this time for Aynlea's conference. As we were sitting there talking I kept thinking how weird and surreal this was feeling. Avynlea has Mr Ceniga who was also Kenedys fifth grade teacher. The last time I sat with him for a conference I was with Kenedy and Avynlea was in Kindergarten and now here she is the big kid at school. It really makes me emotional seeing how fast these kids are growing up. I love that I take pictures and blog and make books out of these posts because it gives us all something to look back on and remember. Time goes so fast and I want to preserve the memories of as much as I can. I am all caught up in my books and got 2014 printed a few months ago. 
Back on track, Avynlea is doing great and amazing in school! These conferences are student led conferences and the kids are in there with us and evaluate themselves on how they feel they are doing. Avy gave herself a couple of lower scores but Mr Ceniga kindly disagreed with her and told her she was doing better then she thought she was. On the following the rules question she gave herself a 3 out 5 and he questioned her on it. He said he has never had a problem with her following the rules and in his opinion she needed to change it to a 5 out of 5. Later I asked her what prompted her to say she was a rule breaker and she said that because sometimes she plays on the little kids playground even though it is only for the lower grades. She feels she is able to get away with it because she is shorter. I laughed and said she should follow the rules anyway. If that is the worst she does, then I am ok with it. So both girls are doing awesome and are great students! I am so glad, it is always a good feeling to have nice things said about your kids, and they are great!!

The cheerleaders ate lunch together for spirit day and I took a picture that was taken and posted on line. Kenedy is the very top cheerleader on the left. The prettiest one in the picture :)
After conferences we rushed over to watch Ryker run his last Cross Country race. This was districts held at Kleiner Park and all the Middle schools in the District were there. They separate the kids into JV and Varsity for this meet and Ryker ended up on the JV team. I am not positive how he feels about this placement but I am ok with it. I want my kids to always try and do their best and if they do not always come out on top, well, that is life. As long as they are pushing themselves then they are the best to me! Ryker has discovered that long distance running is not his thing and he wants to try track in the spring because he thinks he is more of a sprinter. Good for him. I know cross country has been hard for him but not once has he complained or said he wanted to quit. Never did he tell me he didn't want to go to practice. For all of that I am so proud of him! They did the pink makeup streak over the black for Breast Cancer awareness and I remember Ryker telling me it was for someone specific but I do not remember who. 
We missed the Homecoming parade which was held after school because we were at Rykers meet but I was able to get some more pictures her coach had posted. I may not agree with everything this coach does but she takes pictures and shares them and that I can get behind!
These first two were right before the parade and Kenedy is in the middle left.

During the Parade making a W for Warriors. Kenedy Second row back on the very left.
In this one she is making a super cute face three back on the left.
After dinner I went over to the High School for the Homecoming Varsity game. My friend Lana goes because Trenton is on the team and I was able to have her save a seat for me. I thought I was going to get there late but I arrived just in time. 
My bittie bestie Aubree was sitting on my lap and managed to take some pictures with my phone before I became aware of what she was doing.

All of the cheerleaders were performing at this game and I was luckily on the same side as Kenedy but did not have the best of views. They were all more in front of the student section, one place I am glad to have not been in. Too loud and too crowded, no thank you. So all of these pictures taken of the cheerleaders at the game were taken off line from the ones her coach posted.
Kenedy is third row third from left
They did this fun kick line and Kenedy is on the right about the 8th person in. Look for the boy cheerleader and Kenedy is to the left of him
Stunt groups. Kenedy is the last group on the left. She is the one on top.:)
A little bit of a closer picture. 
We won Homecoming by a landslide and at the end of every Homecoming game comes the traditional burning of the M. Avynlea really wanted to come with me just so she could see this happen but I knew we would get home way past bedtime so she had to stay home. I told her I would video it for her. When I showed her the video the next day she watched it and then commented on the fact that it was not very exciting. I agreed with her but said that maybe if we were down there with the students and closer to the M it would have been more exciting. Who knows.
Despite this being such a busy day I had a lot of fun being with and supporting the ones I love!