Friday, October 9, 2015

Court of Honor

Wednesday night the Scouts had their Court of Honor. Ryker got recognized for passing off 6 Merit Badges and every scout in his Troop has a "job" and Ryker was nominated to be the "Chaplains Aide", he got a cool patch to wear with his job title on it. I have no clue what his job means or what he is supposed to do with it but that's ok.

Ryker also earned two rankings, he got his second classman and first classman. He is now a First Class Scout! I don't know exactly what that means either but it sounds cool. Because of his rank advancement I had to go up so he could pin me with the two Mothers pins he had. It is always so awkward being up there but I persevered and was a good sport.

I am proud of my First Class Scout!