Sunday, June 25, 2017

Wedding Dresses

Friday Kefford finished the new rabbit hutch. He did such a good job and it looks really cool. I like that it has two levels and two doors. The girls moved Bonnie in and he was pretty skittish about going down the ramp. I think Rylee put a trail of food going down the ramp to help give him encouragement and he eventually made it down.

After the gymnastics meet Kefford went with the kids to the pool, I stayed home because I had a pretty bad headache but Kefford sent me this cool picture he took of Avynlea and Rylee. I like it a lot.
I have been collecting old clothes for a cheerleader fundraiser and Saturday night Lana stopped by to drop off bags of clothes. She also had a box that she said had two wedding dresses inside somebody gave her if she wanted to use them at girls camp, she did not need them so she donated them to us. As soon as she was out the door Avy and Rylee were digging into that box and putting those dresses on. They were huge on them but they looked pretty cute. They liked wearing them but the poofiness got tiring.