Sunday, June 25, 2017

Avy's Awesome Gymnastics Meet

Saturday morning Avynlea had her first gymnastics meet. In order to advance to the next level the girls have to compete in a meet and get a gold medal. Avy wanted to be able to move up and so I signed her up for this meet. She was a bit nervous about it but she told me that she prayed really hard that morning for help. Her praying paid off because she did really great. She got a blue ribbon for every event except for beam. She fell off in the beginning which was disappointing for her because she said that she has never fallen off. She handled it like a pro though and just got back on. I videoed all of her events and took pictures of her during her run-throughs which is why in a couple of the events run-throughs she is with other girls. I didn't know what to expect at this meet and so I didn't really invite other people to come and watch. Now that I know what it is all about I can better invite people for next time.

At the end they handed out the awards and all the girls got a chance to stand on the first place box. Avynlea got 3 first place(blue) ribbons and one second place(red) ribbon. She earned her gold medal and now gets to move up to the next level. Avynlea has loved gymnastics and has been working really hard to improve her skills. It will be fun to watch her continue to improve in the sport.