Saturday, June 10, 2017


For the past several years Rylee has wanted a bunny. She talked about it a lot and even had a name picked out, Kefford told her that when we moved into our new house possibly she could have a bunny. She held him to that and once we moved into our new house the Bunny talk increased substantially. I was ok with getting a bunny for her as long as it didn't have red eyes, creepy, and it had to stay little, big bunnys are ugly and gross. Kefford found a listing on Craigs list of a woman selling 4 bunnys that were bred to stay small. By the time he got a hold of her she had an all black one and an all white one with red eyes. We put a hold on the black one and on Saturday while Rylee was at her friends house Kefford went and got the black bunny. Rylee was so excited to come home and find her long awaited for animal friend sitting in a box in our backyard. She picked the bunny up and said his name was Bonnie and his nickname was Bon-Bon. She has always wanted her bunny to be named Bonnie the Bunny and the fact that it was a boy dd not make her change her mind at all. She as so cute with her new pet and sat out in the backyard with it all evening. She took it on a tour of the backyard and the front yard with a brief passing through the house in between.

All the kids have been enjoying loving on this little guy and it is cute to watch. I am so glad it is a small bunny and I really hope we were not mislead and that it does stay small. Little bunnies are so cute and we really like this all black one.

Idaho weather is annoying and after enjoying some really nice, warm sunny days the weather took a turn and we got hit with a cold front. That didn't stop the bunny lovers they just set up shop in the garage and hung out there with the little guy.
On Sunday Avynlea decided to get a little weird and curled up inside the Dryer to pretend to take a nap.
We bought a hutch from one of Avynlea's friends for $20, it is old and not the greatest looking but we needed something to keep Bonnie. I think Rylee took these pictures of Bonnies home.
Kefford felt the need to make a new Hutch, one that had multiple levels and so he and Ryker went around and collected scraps of wood from construction sites that had been thrown away. He sketched out a plan and has been busy making a cool little hutch for Bonnie. He has been flying by the seat of his pants for most of the building but I have to say I am super impressed by his skills, it is looking really good.