Monday, June 30, 2014

Roaring Springs

The three younger kids had each earned a ticket to Roaring Springs through the roaring readers program. Time was quickly running out on when we could use them and so we went on a wednesday with my friend Cristal and her two boys. Avynlea brought her friend from school Alexandra along and Kenedy got a free pass in through her friend Shelby who brought her in with her seasons pass. 
Once again I could not get any pictures of Kenedy, she was off and running with her friend and I did not see her a whole lot. It was not the best day for the water park it was a bit overcast and sprinkled rain off and on. But the kids still managed to have a lot of fun going on the rides and playing in the water. Rylee once again proved her fearlessness by being game to going on any and every ride. Avynlea and Ryker were a bit more cautious about what they chose to go on. Everyone had a lot of fun and I am glad that they were able to earn free tickets so that we could go.