Saturday, June 14, 2014

Cast Removal!

The last day of school was exciting for another reason, it was cast removal day for Avynlea! Yay, happy day! Since Kefford was home for the day and the kids are now all out of school we made it a family affair. Kenedy was a girls camp so she missed out on watching the cast come off. Avynlea was a mixture of excited and nerves for the cast to come off. She was excited for obvious reasons and nervous to see what her arm would look and feel like.

Woo Hoo no more cast! Because of the extent of the injury her Dr said she was going to have to have physical therapy. I could see why once the cast came off. Her joints and ligaments were so stiff after sitting in one position for over a month that she was not able to bend her elbow or extend it hardly at all. We are happy that the cast came off just in time for summer. After her appointment we met up with our friends the Moretensons to go swimming at their favorite place up in Avimor. No pictures were taken but fun was had by the kids and Avynlea enjoyed being back in the water.