Monday, June 23, 2014

Girls Camp

The last week of school for the three youngest was also the week that Kenedy got to go to Girls Camp. She was really excited for this week and had been looking forward to it for quite a while. I was not there this year and so I missed out but I was able to grab these four pictures that were taken the night before they came home from our Young Womens President. After camp Kenedy went straight to her Grandparents to stay for about five days so she could work and earn some money. I was told that Kenedy was one of three girls who pulled an all nighted the last night of Camp. I am impressed that they were able to do it and found out that imaginary cooking shows and virtual Uno played in their heads was what helped them to stay up. Does not sound like a fun time to me but she liked doing it so....

I am glad she had such a fun experience at Camp. I am always grateful for Leaders who make things fun and who don't hesitate to participate and enjoy being with the youth. I heard that all the other Wards did not appreciate our Wards fun and laughter but I was also told they were just jealous because of all the fun they were having. Another successful Girls Camp!