Thursday, June 26, 2014

Sister Love

I needed to stop in at Target to exchange a lid that I had gotten to go with a box tote I had bought only to come home and find it didn't fit. So I took it back and got a different one only to return home and find that one also was no good. So this was my last attempt to getting a lid that fit that tote. Luckily it all worked out and my tote of Easter goodies now has a properly fitting lid. Good thing because I was getting tired of this back and forth lid business.
Avynlea and Rylee came with me and of course had to have me take a picture of them posing in the cut out in front of the store. 
Any time my kids are getting along and having fun together is a good day. I love when I hear laughter instead of yelling and giggling instead of arguing. These are the times that parents live for. 
I got a kick out of watching Avynlea and Rylee play the Wii together. They were having a lot of fun and it was a good moment.

Later that day I went to meet up with a friend of mine for ice-cream. She is a good friend of mine from dance and we have not seen each other since the recital so we decided it was time to meet up and catch up. When I got there I knew she was not there yet since her car was not in the parking lot but I decided to go in and scan really quick just to make sure. I also thought of maybe waiting inside. When I walked in I did my quick scan and saw that she was not there. I did happen to see a couple of girls from one of the classes I taught but my introvert side quickly kicked in and I high-tailed it out of there hoping they wouldn't notice me so I wouldn't have to awkwardly talk. As I was walking out and letting the door close behind me I heard "Mrs. Liz". I maybe should have stopped and turned but I kept going and sat on a bench outside the shop, kind of hoping to be ignored. My fellow introverts will 100% understand my actions! A minute later three girls came running out the door yelling my name and running over to me. So I put on my extrovert and hugged them and talked to them. They are sweet girls and it is nice to be loved. They were there having ice-cream with their Aunt and so I had her take a picture with my phone after she took one with hers. 
Navee, Halle, Me and Kennedy