Thursday, June 12, 2014

Field Day with Ryker

I don't know how my kids do it but they are so good at making me feel guilty if they ask me to help out with something at their school and I don't want to. In this circumstance it was Ryker wanting me to help out at his Field day even though I just helped out at his Fun day. I always feel like a bad Mom when I try to tell them no when they want me to go and help. I shouldn't because I volunteered all year but guilty I felt and so I said I would. 
I was put in charge of half of his class and I had to take them around to each "station", explain the rules of the game and then they play it. Right from the start some of the kids did not want to do anything and most of them did not participate right in the game. It was getting really frustrating. 
Finally about an hour and a half into this I needed one kid to be a partner for one girl who did want to play but needed a partner. Finally a girl volunteered and I said she was awesome and then might have mentioned something about the rest of them being lame. Next thing I know I turn around and one of the boys in the class is sitting on the ground crying. Ryker and another kid were trying to console him and so I went to find out what was up. Apparently me calling them lame was really insulting to this kid and he took it was personal. I apologized and told him I did not mean to insult him. But really they were kind of lame because they weren't doing anything. Ryker said this kid does the crying thing a lot and so I felt better and not like I was going to get into huge trouble over it. I did let the teacher know what happened and she also reassured me that it was par for the course. Five or ten minutes later I happened upon a girl from my group sitting and crying. I went over and asked her what was wrong thinking maybe I insulted her also. No, she was crying because she was going to miss her friends. Um, what? 
Needless to say my experience with Field Day did not go over well and I will not be doing that again. It was a miserable two hours and I was so happy when my time was up and I could go home. Before I left I snapped a couple pictures of Rykers class because his teacher wanted one with her phone so while that was happening I took some with mine.