Saturday, July 5, 2014

Happy 4th!

For the 4th of July we went out to the Farm for a barbecue and fireworks. Kenedy got a new scarf to wear for the 4th and she also got ahold of my camera for some selfies. 

About 9:00 is when we got things a little bit started with the fireworks. Around here the sun does not set until about 10:00 and with kids it makes for a long evening. The poppers were the first to come out and there were a lot of those. The deck was covered with the little rocks from the poppers and made it painful to walk on until someone smart swept them up. The poppers were fun and all of the kids liked throwing them down. Some of the bigger kids liked throwing them down on others feet. They are small but do sting a but when they come in contact.
Then came the sparklers. Those are always so much fun!

It is fun of rate kids to be able to participate in the fireworks and with supervision to let some blast off. All of my kids had fun with these candlestick thingers. 

Alison had these fun light up balloons and glowstick necklaces for the kids and they loved those. It was a good fourth of July and I especially loved being able to be with family to celebrate. Of course the best thing about being way out in the country on the farm for the fourth is I was not kept awake all night listening to fireworks going off and peoples drunken parties. When I went to bed it was quiet and peaceful just how I like it!