Wednesday, January 28, 2009

what's for dinner tonight?

When we all sit down to dinner I know that I can expect one of two extreme emotions from Ryker when he sees what we are eating. The first, and my favorite, is overwhelming joy! He gets really excited, tells me how much he loves what I made, and then tells me I am the best cook ever. The second emotion I get is extreme disgust! This comes with lots of moaning, cries of "how could you make this? You know I don't like it", disgusted looks and major pouting. Tonight I made Beef Stroganoff for dinner. Can you guess which emotion I got tonight?
This is the face we got throughout dinner. He has never had this before but knew he would not like it from the way it looked. He eventually tried it and was able to finish it, I think he really liked it after he tried it but was to proud to admit it.
Want him as your dinner guest?