Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!

For our New Years Eve I wanted to start a new tradition as a family and that was to ring in the new year together. I wanted the kids to have fun and be excited so I planned a fun new years party. For the food I made a bunch of finger foods which were..Boneless buffalo wings, meatballs, teenie wienies wrapped with bacon, 7-layer dip and chips. We spread a blanket out on the floor and let the kids do something that is normally forbidden in our on the carpet! We put in the movie Crocodile Dundee and ate while we watched it. (for anybody who cares the movie was rated PG but, oh my goodness, was I shocked by the contents. we had to cover eyes and loudly cough out foul language. I am not sure if that is one the kids will be able to see again!) While everyone else got to eat on the carpet Rylee was banished to her highchair in the kitchen. She is not quite old enough to understand the concept of being careful with food.
After the movie we pulled out the candy and the board game Sorry and had fun trying to make the best moves to win. I think Kefford ended up surprise there, between you and me I think he cheats (: Ryker did not want to play Sorry with us he wanted to play Smash Brothers on the Wii. So that's what Ryker did.
We let the kids stay up until 9:00 and then we put them to bed. Because we are nice we let the older 3 camp out on the floor in Ryker's bedroom where they talked and messed around until about 10:00.
Poor Rylee had to sleep all alone in her room
After we put the kids to bed Kefford and I put in the new Batman movie The Dark Knight. We saw the movie when it came out in IMAX and were excited to watch it again and to see if it was as good as we remembered. It totally was! That movie is amazing and Heath Ledgers performance was brilliant. These new Batman movies totally make up for the disgrace that the other ones were left in. Plus Christian Bale as Batman! Are you kidding me?! Fabulous!!!
Kefford later made the comment about how fun our new years party was and that we needed to make this a tradition so that when the kids are older they will want to stay home and party with us rather then going out with their friends. That is a nice thought!
Happy New Year everyone!