Monday, January 12, 2009

fun happenings!

Rylee came out the other day wearing her Daddies shoes and hat. I think she looks adorable and I always love it when the kids decide to play dress up with their daddies shoes!
Kenedy was assigned to give a talk in church yesterday. So yesterday morning I told her to get a pencil and some paper and I told her that she was going to write her talk. I have always done it before but I think that she is old enough and smart enough and she needs to start learning how to do it herself. She was nervous with the whole idea and quited frankly a little peeved but I asked her some leading questions and gave her a little guidance and she did it! I was so proud of her, i went in at the end of the third hour to listen to her give it but I had already missed it. In Senior primary they do the talks in the beginning. I was really bummed about missing it so when we came home from church we had her give her talk to us! She was great and said that when she was giving her talk in church she said some extra things! This girl is awesome! Here is the talk she wrote (the topic was "we are all spirit children of God"...
I am a spirit child of God which means when I was a spirit I was a child of God and I still am. SO is everyone else in the world even those who do not believe in Christ and if we are all children of God we are Heavenly brothers and sisters and we should treat others nicely even if they don't look the same as us we still need to treat others nicely. Being children of God also means we need to help each other and be good examples so that we can all live together in Heaven with Heavenly Father. And also follow the golden rule, treat others the way you want to be treated. For example, if there is someone who is mean to you at school and you are walking home from school one day and you see that same person that was bothering you and he falls off his bike and you think hey that's the person that hurt my feelings. should I help him? Yes cause we are both children of God and if I do that he might be nice to me because I help him. Them you help him and he is nice to you. and again treat others the way you want to be treated and you will be treated as you treat others"
She said that she forgot to say "in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen" at the end and was a little worried about that but I told her that's OK! Isn't she great? Love that kid and how she is growing up!
Yesterday morning I was browning a roast beef in hot oil so that I could put it in the crock pot to cook while we were at church. I let the oil get a little to hot since when I put the beef in, hot oil splattered up my arm. Oh man was I in pain. Kefford had me put some anti-bacterial medicine on it and this is how it looked when the huge red splotches had faded.
The pictures are a bit blurry because I was taking a left handed picture of my right arm, not an easy thing to do. My arm feels and is looking better today so no worries everyone! I will survive! Though I have to admit I was very pleased with Keffords caring reaction. He was a sweetheart, love that man!