Thursday, January 29, 2009

Look who came to play!

While Lana was here for two days helping me quilt my kiddos had so much fun playing with hers! Avynlea and Natalie spent all day playing Polly Pockets and Littlest Pet Shop. I was really amazed with how they got along. No arguments, no pouting, just blissful playtime! She is welcome back any day!

And Rylee was thrilled to have a real baby to mother. She would follow him around playing and talking to him. Of course it could have been the binkie in his mouth that she was following around. We had to take it our of HER mouth a couple of times. She better not get the thrush poor Drake has, and he better not get the fever she was plagued with. I think it is just a teething fever because it was gone after a day. But, you never know! So glad that these kids could have fun together! It made sewing and visiting with my friend really enjoyable!