Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dancing Queen

About a week ago Kenedy brought home a paper from school about a dance clinic to be held at Meridian High School. I thought it would be fun for her to do it and she expressed some interest, but believe it or not it was Kefford who really pushed me to sign her up, he said that it sounded like it would be a lot of fun for her. I was a little hesitant because I didn't want her to do this alone without any friends but she was OK with that and told me to remember when she started soccer and did not know anyone on the team but she ended up making friends. So I signed her up for the two hour a day four day clinic. She went to the first class and came home so excited! She had so much fun and even knew a couple of girls from school, one of whom is also in our ward. She loved it and could not wait for the next day. At the end of the week we all got to go watch her perform at halftime at the high schools varsity basketball game.
Rylee and her Daddy at the game. Avynlea being a goof ball.
Ryker being even goofier.
As a quick side note Kefford was telling the kids that they were going to have to start paying for their own food. Ryker tried arguing that he was too little and we were bigger so that wasn't fair. That didn't work so then he said "you are the Dad and I am not going to be a Dad for 16 months so you have to do it!" Very funny!
Finally it was halftime and of course the dancers performed facing the other direction , but I just got up and moved very quickly to the other side so that I could see.
They performed to the song "Walking on Sunshine" and Kenedy did so good. She was really cute and I was excited for her to have this experience.
She told me afterwards that she wasn't even really nervous. I was impressed with how much the kids did after only a week of rehearsing. The student teachers were sitting on the sidelines helping with the moves, but the girls were doing great out there on their own.
It was a "Pink Out" game for breast cancer awareness and the girls all got pink shirts with "Blue dance Crew" written on them. Kenedy slept in hers last night and wants to wear it to school on Monday. I think I better wash it first.
Good job Kenedy!
I am proud of my girl!