Sunday, March 17, 2024

Cousins and Church

Rylee spent some of his Spring Break in Nyssa visiting with family. Whitney sent me a picture of him playing ball with her kids and said he has spent all day playing with them and how much she and they love him. I love how close my kids are with their little Cousins and are always so good about including them in their fun.
Ryker, Sadie and Madison

I took this picture of Ryker and Rylee at church during Stake Conference. I love that they were both there and it was nice having Kefford sitting with us instead of being on the stand as a member of the bishopric. Elder Bennett and Elder Pickett came to preside over Stake Conference and the adult meeting was the best adult meeting I have been to. They had new members speak about their conversions and then Elder Bennett got up and asked them follow up questions and it was really neat. I left the meeting wanted to be better and do better. The Sunday meeting was historic in that they out in a new Stake Presidency and then they split the Stake and put in a new Presidency for the new Stake. Our Stake now has 7 wards and the new Stake as 6. Our new Stake President is President Bennett and his counselors are President Winters and President Bond. Both of the Counselors are in our Ward and I know and love these men. President Bennett I have never met or even seen before but just listening to his testimony I can tell he is a good man and will do great things for our Stake. As soon as the new presidency was announced it felt right to me and I was really happy to sustain these men. It was a really great Stake Conference and I was really glad to have been there.