Friday, March 8, 2024

Avynlea starts Home MTC and Owyhee Basketball

 Sadie, Madison and Avynlea went to the temple one night to get some missionary pictures of Avynlea. This is one that I got that I really liked, sh his such a beautiful girl and I am so excited for her to start her mission.

The Owyhee Boys Basketball team made it to the State finals and Kefford and I wanted to go watch them play. Rylee had no desire to go and instead went to support her friend who was competing at the Distinguished Woman Competition. Avynlea was hanging out with Bodi and they were both down to go to the game with us so we met them there. Owyhee played against Timberline and dominated the entire game. I was hoping for a more exciting game and it was just not close at all, we ended up leaving in the middle of the 4th quarter to beat the rush out and because the game was basically over. The final score was  57-36

On Sunday March 3rd Kefford, Rylee and I went with Avynlea to the Stake Center so she could be set apart as a missionary by President Kropf. Heather asked me earlier if they could zoom in and I asked President Kropf who was more then happy to agree. He met with Avynlea privately for a couple of minutes and while he was doing that I called Heather who was with my Mom so they could listen in and Kefford called his parents. Avynlea was given a really nice blessing and one thing Kefford and I both noticed was President Kropf blessing her with the gift of tongues. I love that for her especially in learning the Japanese language. I am so proud of Avynlea and love her so much and am so excited to watch her grow on her mission, She is amazing and is such a good example for me and others and is going to accomplish great things.
When we got home from her setting apart I made sure to get a picture with our new missionary.
The next day Avynlea started her home MTC, she met her companion, Sister Merrill, and they seemed to hit it off right away which is nice. She is in a district with 12 missionaries two of whom are Elders, that is a lot of Sisters.
On March 6th Avynlea, Rylee and I went over to the Temple house to see it and Bob and Alison who were staying there. Bob and Alison are in the Meridian Temple Presidency and with the hours they need to be there sometimes it is hard to go back and forth from Nyssa so they get to use the Temple House. It is a cute little house about a mile down the road from the Temple and it is there for the presidency to use. We got to tour the house and visit with Bob and Alison for a bit. Avynlea was on a break from her classes but we couldn't stay long because her break was not that long. 
Jeremy's birthday was on the 7th and I found some pictures to post with his birthday message on our family group chat. I love these two pictures of us at our weddings.
On Friday March 8th Rylee had a Lacrosse team bonding and they went to get ice cream from Reeds Dairy. In the picture Rylee is third from the left wearing the black and red lacrosse jacket.