Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Years Eve

For New Years Eve we headed out to the Farm. My kids love their Cousins and their Cousins love my kids, the age difference between them all makes no difference. Sadie was especially attached to Kenedy and made Kenedy's shoulders and back really sore from all of the piggy back rides she was getting. 

She also had really sore legs from the airplane rides she kept giving Sadie and Madi.
Michelle likes to have me braid her hair when ever I am around and I enjoy doing it. 
Dustin and Sara along with their kids were in town and it was fun to see their girls whom we don't get to see as often. Here are Ryker and Avy spending time with Charlotte.
Alison put together a really fun game for the grandkids and adults as well, but first, the grandkids, Rylee and younger,  got to play their game.
She bought a bunch of fun, cheap and random items and wrapped them up in saran wrap to make a big ball. One at a time the kids got to pick a number, 1-6, and while the person next to them rolled the die, got to unwrap the saran wrap ball until their number was rolled, then it was the next persons turn, whatever they unwrapped they got to keep. It was so fun to watch and the kids had such a fun time playing. Rylee scored by winning a five dollar bill, some candy and some necklaces.

Ryker was kind to let Kenedy have a break and let Sadie ride around on his shoulders for a while.
Cuddly Cousins
Avynlea and Kinsley                                    Kenedy and Sadie

After giving Charlotte some airplanes rides Ryker thought it only fair to have Charlotte give him a ride. She thought that was pretty funny and liked Ryker pretending to get a ride. 
After a little bit, the rest of the grandkids, Avynlea and older and the adults got together to play our own saran wrap ball game. I had a lot of fun watching the kids play but did not realize how much fun it was until I got to play. This was the funnest game! We managed to get the ball around the circle twice and everyone got at least a couple of items. Their were 8 $15 gift cards to Olive Garden and I got 1, Avy got 1 and Kenedy got 2 of those 8 cards. We scored big time. Among other things, Kenedy got some pepper spray, which Ryker unwrapped but let her have, we got candy and I even got a pack of tissues. It was so fun watching everyone play and seeing the items that were being flung out as the ball was unwrapped. It was a frenzy of excitement!

After the game I brought out my chocolate fondue pot and different treats to dip into the chocolate. We hade Nilla Wafers, strawberries, raspberries, bananas, and marshmallows. A yummy treat for all! 

At one point Whitney's girls needed a break from all the craziness and she put them in her parents room to watch some Peppa Pig episodes. She thought it was cute when she checked in with them later to see Kefford hanging out in there with them.
Michelle put together some Minute to Win it games and Adults and Kids alike had fun participating. It was a bit chaotic and out of control but I think everyone had fun throughout the game playing.

Rylee got to spend some time holding Caleb and she thought that was pretty great!
Bob had some sparklers left over from the 4th of July and the kids took them in the back to have fun with them. 

These next pictures crack me up. I knew Avynlea liked to have her picture taken but did not realize how much until Alison showed me these pictures she took. In the top left you see Avy sitting at the Island smiling for the camera. In the top right a picture was taken of the ones eating at the table and if you look where the arrow is pointing you can see an Avynlea blur running to the table so that she could get in to the third picture that was taken, bottom left, Avy smiling for the camera again. She is such a cheese ball. Bottom right was taken at a different time but with the cheeser still smiling and hamming it up for the camera.
By 11:00 everyone left to go to their own homes. We were planning on staying the night and going with his Parents to church the next morning. My older three kids went to stay the night with their Cousins at Jeremys and Rylee stayed with us at Bob and Alison's so she could be with Isabelle. Rylee and Isabelle really wanted to stay up until Midnight and by the time we had them ready for bed it was about 11:30. I played Apples to Apples with them until I got bored and then had them make up their own version of the game to be played with two people. 
Midnight finally came and Rylee had her first lesson in how unexciting staying up late really is. 

Happy New Year