Thursday, December 15, 2016

Snow, Choir and Cheer

Towards the beginning of December Rylee commented that it didn't feel like Christmas yet because it hadn't snowed. She was so excited a week later when I told her to look out the window and she saw snow. She just got a new winter coat and we got it in the nick of time. She was pretty specific in what she wanted in a winter coat and the most important thing about it was that it had to be long so that when she sat in the snow her bum wouldn't get cold. We found her perfect coat at Burlington and she was one happy snow princess!
Kenedy's choir sang at the Capital and I did not know about it in time otherwise I would have tried to go to watch her sing. I went to her Christmas concert they had at the school and did not get any pictures since I had to leave right after and could not wait around for her to come out. I was grateful that my friend Deena took this picture at the capital and shared it online so that I could copy it to my albums.
Ashlynn, Kenedy and Megan
Avynlea had fun dressing up in Kenedy's choir robe she found lying around. Snazzy!
On the 9th the girls performed the cheer and dance routines they had learned at the cheer clinics that week at a Varsity boys basketball game. They both did a really great job and I loved watching them perform. I was videoing with my phone when right in the middle of Rylee's performance I ran out of memory. I was so annoyed. Luckily I had friends sitting right next to us videoing their daughters who were right next to Rylee so I was able to have them send me the videos. Unfortunately I was only able to get one picture. Ugh
I had my girls pose for a picture after we got home. 
On the 13th Rylee and Avynlea both had choir performances at their schools at the same time. I panicked a bit thinking about what to do. Avynlea invited her Grandma to come to one of their performances and since she just went to Avy's Veteran's Day performance she decided to go to Rylee's. Avy was ok with that and I decided to go to Avynlea's since the next day it was Rylee's turn to go sing at the Capital with her choir group and I could go and watch her there. So busy. 
Avy's sixth grade choir sang their songs first and after she was done we left to try to catch the last half of Rylee's concert. 

We got their just in time to hear the final notes of the final song. By the time we actually walked into the room they were done singing and all I was able to do was to take some pictures. At least I could hear her sing the next day.
I am so glad that Alison was able to come and I love that she is always so willing to come and support my kids whenever she can.

The next morning I dropped RYlee off at school and then headed downtown in snowy conditions to the Capital to hear and watch her sing. 

She did such a great job and really loves being in Honor Choir. I asked her if she was going to do this next year and she said yes and then told me she was going to do choir every year until she is a professional. Oh boy.
After school I told Ryker he needed to shovel the driveway. He talked Avynlea into trying it but it got too hard for her so she had to quit.
I got Rylee bundling up and getting ready to go outside to have some snowy fun with her siblings.
They had a little bit of a snowball fight and then Rylee built the cutest little snowman. 

What a fun and busy time of year!