Sunday, December 4, 2016

A new Lutes Baby!

 Early Thursday morning we got the word that Joshua and Mallory had their little baby boy. They named him Amos Gerald and he is beautiful. They sent pictures to our group hangout and we all fell in love. I am so sad that I can't be there to visit and hold my new nephew. After 9 years, with Rylee being the youngest Lutes grandchild thus far, we finally have a new baby to love on and I can't wait to be able to see him in person and hold and love on him!

I tried taking a picture of my holiday decor with the lights on but it was still daylight and of course it didn't turn out so well.

So I tried again when it was dark and no other lights were on and I think it turned out better. Nothing beats how it looks in person and I love sitting in our living room with the christmas lights on and looking at how beautiful it is. 
My kids trade off after dinner dishes and this last week it was Kenedy's turn on dishes. Friday night she had cheer practice and then immediately after she had a birthday dinner to go to. Our sink was piled up with dishes and since Kenedy was not there to do them I did not want to leave them until she got home. So I was sitting on the couch tired and worn out thinking how much I did not want to do the dishes when I thought, wait a minute I have other kids. I called those other three downstairs and asked them to get the dishes done and clean the counter off. Without one complaint they went into the kitchen and got to work. I was so impressed and really happy with their willingness to help me out even though technically it was not their week to do the job. I have great kids!