Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Christmas Day

Christmas Eve we let the kids sleep together in the bonus room. I am pretty sure they stayed up rather late but since I didn't have to hear them I was ok with it! About 6:00 I got up to make a breakfast casserole and then at 6:30 went upstairs to check on the kids and wake them up if necessary. With church being at 9:00 we didn't have a lot of time to hang out and chill before we had to get ready. We decided we would do stockings before church and then open up gifts after we got home. We didn't want to rush and it worked out pretty good. 
Anyway, when I went upstairs I found all of the kids awake and hanging out waiting for us. Supposedly Rylee woke everyone up when she was rustling through her stocking and making noise.

Kenedy decided to try for a little more sleep after the stockings were opened. Nice try kid.
When I went to Harry Potter World this summer I got some souvenirs for the kids. I told them I got them something but they were not going to get them until Christmas. I wrapped them in red tissue paper and put them in their stockings. I let everyone know to wait to open the red gifts until we did it at the same time. They were pretty excited to see what I got them. 
I got everyone a chocolate frog. They are super big chocolate frogs and I am hoping taste as good as they look. Each chocolate frog comes with a collectors card and everyone but Kefford got Gryffindor, he got Ravenclaw.
After stockings were opened, we got ready for church and then ate breakfast, which turned out really delicious! 
Normally we make going down to see what Santa left under the Christmas tree a bigger production but with us going to church they just came down when they were ready. Rylee has been wanting a Kindle for Christmas so badly and has been talking about it a ton. She was walking around the tree examining all the gifts and when she was done came over and commented that she did not think she got a Kindle because none of the gifts looked like it would be one. That girl!
It was snowy and pretty icy and a little bit treacherous walking into church in my high heels but I could not resist getting a picture of me with all of the snow.
I really enjoyed the sacrament meeting we were able to go to. It was beautiful and I really felt the Spirit. I had my doubts about Christmas on Sunday but being able to go to church was pretty great and so much better then I thought it would be. Whoever put together the program did a really great job!
After church we came home where I made the kids get together for a church clothes picture before they could change.
I am in love with the big picture windows in our Living room but they were not doing a good job of helping me take good pictures. I tried taking pictures during the present opening but did not get as much as I would have liked because the light was being weird and washing everyone out. I did the best I could.

My Mom sent the kids their favorite candy with money wrapped around it. I thought it was a great gift and the kids loved their presents from her!
Rylee was super excited that she did indeed get her Kindle, Santa is good at disguising gifts. She also got new shoes, ear phones she was wanting and a Jasmine mug. The kids drew names this year to buy for each other and Ryker had Rylee and he got her some cute slippers and a flick in chicken toy.

Avynlea also got a Kindle which was thrilling for her, she also got Calico Critters stuff, new shoes  and for the sibling exchange Kenedy had her and she got her a pink pocket knife. Avy was so excited, she has been wanting one for a while.

Ryker didn't really ask for anything for Christmas, he didn't have any idea what to ask for since the one thing he wanted was way too expensive and he knew he would not get that, A 3DS XL. During the black friday sakes Kefford saw an ad for the DS XL on sale but the picture with it was of the 3DS XL and Kefford went to the store and managed to get the 3DS for the cheaper price. It was a holiday miracle! Kefford wanted to trick Ryker so he put the game system on the bottom of a really big box, packed it with 2x4's and brown wrappings and then placed a wrapped gift of underwear on top. Ryker opened the box pulled out the wrapped underwear, set it aside and then pulled all the other stuff out to find the 3DS. He ruined all the fun. He was so shocked and excited that it was fun to watch him. He also got a lamp and some underwear and from Avynlea he got a watch. 

Kenedy had a pretty great Christmas. She got a flat iron, a jacket, a shirt and another shirt plus some fox earrings from Rylee. She also got a new/old car. Kelsey got a newer car from the farm and he graciously gave his old car to Kenedy. It is not anything fancy but she was really excited and happy to have her own vehicle. I have my kids write thank you notes for gifts they receive from relatives and I was happy to see Kenedy wrote a thank you to Kelsey without any prompting. I have great kids!

I got a drink blender from Kenedy which was really fun. I love making smoothies and milkshakes but do not like using the big blender and washing the huge thing out every time I use it. I have used this personal blender a lot since Christmas and it has been awesome. I can make the kids their own drinks as well. Definitely a thoughtful and fun gift! Avynlea got me some drawer organizers which I have been wanting. She was happy to give them to me and let me know she thought of it all on her own. Ryker got me a bluetooth speaker and Rylee got me a gift card to Target. My kids are the best!!

Kefford got a box of candy bars, some new dress shirts and a Batman action figure. 

Overall we were all very happy with our Christmas gifts!
After all of the presents were opened we opened out Secret Person gifts from my family.

Emily had Kenedy and got her a mermaid tail blanket which she loved!
Ben had Ryker and got him a nerd gun, Harry Potter wand, a mini chocolate frog and Bertie Botts every flavor beans.
Amos had Rylee and he got her a blanket which his Mother made for him to give to her. 
Ashleigh had Kefford and she gave him a photo frame with pictures of him and Andrew Brown playing frisbee and a picture of Kefford and I that her and Andrew Brown recreated. The entire family like to tease Kefford and Andrew Brown about their bromance and this frame was perfect and hilarious! I really wish they lived closer, the four of us would have so much fun together. She also got him some candy and a gift card to Best Buy.
Heather had Avynlea and she got her a Belle Alex and Ani bracelet. Avy was so excited, she said she has been wanting one for a very long time!
Little Jeremy had me and I got a super cute snowman pillow, a really soft blanket and a minnie shirt. I was very happy!
I also got a late birthday/Christmas gift from Heather, Mermaid socks and a Gilmore Girls stamp set. I LOVED it! Such a fun gift and I love how well she knows me!
After hanging out around our house for a couple of hours we headed out to the Farm. Kenedy, Ryker and Avynlea got jars of candy with money inside and Rylee got a bag filled with baking supplies. All four of the gifts were perfect and the kids loved them. I only got pictures of Rylee opening her gift because the others were too fast. 
For the rest of the night we hung out and enjoyed being with family.
I know that the kids had a great Christmas and were collectively happy with everything they received. The best part was watching the kids being excited but also very grateful for everything they got. Rylee had an especially great Christmas and told Kefford this was her best Christmas ever! Kids are amazing and make the holidays so much more fun!
Merry Christmas!